ITV: Impeachment Television

Every presidential election is “the most important of our lives.”

This one is. If the GOP wins we aren’t going to have semi-fair elections ever again.

I feel so fucking depressed today.

Donald Trump now has absolute authority to do whatever the fuck he wants and he will never be checked and balanced. Our government is COMPLETELY broken and denying anything less than that is obliviousness at best and negligent at worst.

He’s going to investigate anyone he wants/everyone, rig the election, probably throw Schiff in jail, and just railroad everything in his path.

I sincerely believe in my heart of hearts that this country is going to be burned to the ground in the next 5 years. I don’t know what to do or where to go but oh my god am I upset.


idk how it is you guys are just figuring all this out now.


We’re not going to win. The election is going to 100% rigged.

Why wouldn’t the GOP rig it? There’s nothing this democracy can do to fight it.

The Constitution doesn’t matter.
The courts don’t matter.
The media doesn’t matter.

We are all fucked.


Claire McCaskill is speculating that McConnell is being pressured by Republican Senators to delay the final vote on acquittal until Wednesday so that Trump can’t use the State of the Union for a victory lap, and if he won’t delay, they’ll vote for witnesses.

While we didn’t know what the details would be, this result was always the only possible result.

Oh well, at least Adam Schiff had some nice monologues that no one listened to.

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We definitely got him this time.


How about just vote for witnesses anyway? Such scumbaggery. They don’t care about lying or cheating. The only thing they care about is hiding it from their base since Fox has to cover the SoTU.

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Twitter is all worked up because Cipollone lied, or something.

Somehow the light bulb isn’t going off for these supposedly smart people that rules are not relevant if nobody is enforcing them.

This. It’s been clear since before the election that this was roughly the road we’d travel down if Trump won. There were questions of whether the Senate GOO would act as a check, but that’s been a clear no for a while now. There were questions on speed, but that’s been clear for a while too.

Now the only questions are how brazen they’ll be in cheating in the election, how intelligently they’ll go about it, and whether they are bad enough at it that we can still beat them.


Not if it’s what they’re into.

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Um, we aren’t going to have fair elections this time. Are you kidding me?

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I’m firmly on team WAAF and have been for a long time, but has something changed wrt a tie and Roberts being able to break that tie?

I’m not insinuating at all that he would vote for witnesses, but it doesn’t even seem like anyone is even talking about a 50-50 tie anymore. What am I missing?


Piss in a libs Dew and delight in triggering them when they find out.

Keep drinking the piss yourself straight from the source because you believe it’s actually a lot better for you (and hey, maybe that’s true).

Delight in Trump making it normal to drink piss instead of Mountain Dew.

Finally, you can declare yourself a proud piss drinker.



It’s not that I’m in any way surprised, or that I didn’t grasp the magnitude of the threat. I’ve been WAAFing since this fat tub of shit was elected. It’s just way more salient now.

Our system of government is dead. He can do absolutely anything and get away with it. If he wins again, the only possible way to fix it is violence.


The pundit consensus is that Roberts will abstain from voting on witnesses to break the tie. Thus giving him cover to say he didn’t want to interfere in politics while at the same time giving Republicans the win.

Gotcha, thanks.



A serving senator said Trump is guilty and doesn’t care.

I mean a part of me always wanted that as a consolation prize. Force people to face reality and say that’s fine, they don’t care. And Trump has done that, forced people to stop dog whistling and say all of the quiet parts out loud.

But it’s bittersweet. Maybe I’m a moron to have thought Trump declaring he’s actually the leader of the KKK or something would tip his remaining supporters against him. It’s painful to acknowledge how many people would praise such an admission as bold and attractive.