ITV: Impeachment Television

“And also, fuck you.”


Goodbye America is was nice knowing you while it lasted… :cry:

Nope not a joke

is a joke


We either win this next election in a quasi landslide that effectively ends the GOP as a viable political party or it’s probably good game. I really hate this timeline.


So like 11pm party line vote against witnesses tonight or what?

A few GOPers cast meaningless votes for witnesses

We need a forum plugin that replaces Alan Dershowitz with Child Rapist.


This has gone largely as expected. Schiff has been as good as he can be.

What pisses me off- and this is a new kind of lawbro- is the idea that we can hang this around Republicans heads. We cannot. They are not going to lose elections or face over this, if anything they will gain. I suppose there are timelines where history makes them look bad but a bunch of us are dead by that point, cremated in an internment camp.

Republicans will not face real electoral consequences in their lifetimes. Democrats are the ones that brought a phony impeachment after all.


The only question now is if he gets acquitted tonight or tomorrow.

I know this is thrown around a lot, and usually shouldn’t be taken seriously, but I feel like the US is closer to a civil war or some kind of armed conflict than it’s ever been since the last one. Shenanigans in the election would make it inevitable.

This was written four months after Trump came down the escalator, and of course it’s only gotten 1000x worse since then.

Yeah either we get our act together and get 60%+ of the population living in a shared reality, or this country breaks apart at some point. It’s way bigger than is sustainable without some shared national ideas and high social trust. We get those back or we crack up.

Im down with the West seceding. We can do better

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“He’s guilty and we don’t care” did it for me. Team WAAF.


It’s not over (yet)

So you're telling me

Why, in the course of a “trial” would jurors be allowed to vote on witnesses, and if they must, why would their votes be public? Seems to me that if they could vote in secret, like jurors do, at least initially in criminal trials, we could get a much more honest and less partisan vote.

It was always going to end this way. Still quite a spectacle.

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I stubbornly refuse to believe this. Maybe I’m still living in the land of unicorns and wishful thinking. I keep thinking “people can’t really be this stupid” even though they continue to prove me wrong.

Revelations about corruption (both personal and administration-wide) will continue and probably accelerate. Someone being pissed on continuously has to eventually realize it’s not really Mountain Dew, right?