ITV: Impeachment Television

No one will stop us so fuck you. That’s all they’ve got.


[The president is] “guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust.”

“The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a ‘high crime and misdemeanor,’” Romney said. “Yes, he did.”

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Fuck it. Fuck everything. Impeach him every day. Shove it down their throats. Make him the only president impeached a hundred times

Romney is the only GOP general election candidate in my lifetime who I think would have improved the timeline if he won. This is of course only remotely a sane thing to say in hindsight.

If Dole had beat Clinton the timeline would have been worse, if Gore had beat Bush the timeline would have been better, if Kerry had beat Bush the timeline would be better, if Obama had lost to McCain the timeline would have been worse…

But if Romney wins he probably gets some stuff done that the Democrats agree with, the SC is in the exact same place (maybe better because K wouldn’t have been his pick), and Trump absolutely never gets to be president. McConnell also doesn’t get the opportunity to undermine norms by stealing a SC seat like he did. Everything is just a lot less dark side. Which is a weird thing to say about a GOP politician beating Barrack Obama of all people. Hindsight is weird.


So my email to Romney was maybe the tiniest bit worth it.


This is a really good speech by Coons

Trump may not end up as president, but someone like him would. The Republican Party has been trending away from people like Romney and towards people like Trump for some time at the grassroots level. 2016 was just when the establishment could no longer hold them back.

Bernie’s success suggests that the Democratic establishment is going to face a similar moment.

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if you want to sip a glass of right wing tears, they’re pretty furious at romney right now

want him kicked out of the party (gosh that would be awful if you did that, just horrible)

Ooops, fuckface from Colorado didn’t get the memo about partisanism.

I actually think the best timeline is HRC over Obama in the primary in 08, McCain over HRC in the general, Obama over McCain in '12… We are now in Obama’s second term, Trump is never a thing, and we get a more experienced Obama and maybe a more sane political meta for him to govern in… maybe. McCain might get to replace Stevens and Souter, but Obama gets to replace Kennedy, Scalia and presumably RBG retires. So the balance of power doesn’t change on the Supreme Court, but the conservative justices are likely way more moderate.


Lol, hes still doing it even after his party’s senator is going to be the first in history to vote against his party.

What a dumb motherfucker to come up to the dais with this speech at this point.


Yeah that’s a super interesting timeline that I hadn’t even considered. You’re right it’s better.

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Oh shit, the 63 million vote line too.

Gardner might be topping the list of the dumbest motherfuckers in congress

Also the SC probably takes a different line on Citizens United with McCain in the WH. That dude was not in favor of outside money in any way shape or form.

Not necessarily, delaying that by 4-8 years may have given enough time for millennials to be enough of the voting population to shut it down from the start.

I think I posted about it in 2016 at the old place, I know I did on Facebook, but both parties are re-aligning around the left/right liberal/authoritarian axes. Populism vs Elitism is really where it’s headed given the income inequality, the question is whether it’s going to be Bernie or Liz’s brand of populism or Trump’s that is able to seize the decade.

If it’s Bernie, we get some structural change, probably ~15 years of left wing policy being implemented between Bernie and someone like AOC, then things will start to shift back and re-align closer to the previous alignment. The GOP will get shellacked for a decade, millennials will mostly be too pissed at them to vote for them, and their party will have to shift significantly to compete again.

If it’s Trump, WAAF in a million ways.

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If that’s the case, it drastically swings the timelines. I don’t see a President McCain interfering with SCOTUS in any way, though.

“50 percent of presidents have been impeached over the last 4 terms”


It’s also worth noting that if we don’t start working on Obamacare in 2008, by the time we start people might be fed up enough to actually get a public option on the first try… which we still don’t have 10 years later anyway. Like our healthcare in 2020 would probably be in a better place if Obama hadn’t won til 2012.

Holy shit, Colorado, what the fuck is wrong with you? How do you vote for this piece of shit?