ITV: Impeachment Television

Lol he says in his tweets, he knows Trump’s guilty, but the senate shouldn’t remove him for inappropriate behavior.

Lamar is a true POS. He’s guilty but we can’t remove him on a whim so let the voters decide? Fuckkkkkk youuuuuuu.

Eh, Alexander still says it should be up to the voters.

I want someone to ask these Republicans what they think they line of demarcation is for when it’s too close to an election to do their jobs. The “election year” excuse was used for Garland and now it’s being used for impeachment. Would it have been ok in December? Would that have been too late? It wasn’t an election year. Early 2019? 2018?

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Dems definitely need to use the “let the voters decide” on every god damn thing the senate does from here on out.


Fuck off Claire. Just fuck off, somehow giving lamar credit.

I wish they never hired her, she’s really bad.

The prevailing opinion I’m hearing on the roundtables is that Roberts will not insert himself into the matter in the event of a tie vote because he doesn’t see that as the role of the Supreme Court. I think it needs to be pointed out that the rules have put him in the Senate to oversee the proceedings, and many would argue to take that tiebreaking vote. He’s replacing the Vice President who would normally have this role but obviously has a conflict of interest.

These people are all about precedent and protocol and procedure. And the procedure in the Senate is for the VP to cast tiebreaking votes. Roberts is pinch hitting for the VP. The protocol is that ties are broken. That’s the precedent. And if he wimps out and essentially votes against witnesses by opting to abstain, he is in fact going against the common procedures of the Senate as it pertains to most matters.

This makes no fucking sense. If it succeeds, it would be far from partisan.

what unbeliveable insanity. Everybody on the WAAF train cause this is just the icing on top of the shit cake.

“President is guilty, we don’t need to hear from anymore witnesses, also, I am voting to acquit.” is a level of pure insanity I don’t think I have ever witnessed. Apparently Alexander is related in some way to Bundy, Holmes, and Manson.

Of course, what the fuck should I expect out of fucking Tennessee. I am beyond glad that I never plan to set foot in that shithole ever again.

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He referenced the house as part of his tweet series on that. Since none of them did.

Yes, the fear of ripping the country apart, something it’s already doing right now and will continue, so you can either eliminate a huge part of the problem right now or you can do nothing at all, lamar chose to do nothing.

Maybe this is the bullshit we need to ensure driving votes to the polls in November. What a fucking scam.

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Hopping on WAAF Train, all aboard, full steam ahead motherfuckers

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In a few days trump gets to do state of the union right in front of congress. I’m sure he won’t in any way shape or form mention any of this at all.

Pelosi does some dumb things sometimes, this is one of them.

If this was actually wrestling, the nut heel/face turn would be Rand voting YES as retaliation to hear from the whistle blower.

And yes, the house should 100% start impeachment 2 the day the acquittal takes place.


Amazing, he somehow manages to blame Democrats in this.

Thanks Obama

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For those of us that were already on the WAAF train for a while, can we get some super WAAF badge to differentiate us from the WAAF bandwagoners?

Also, welcome aboard.

