ITV: Impeachment Television

I did like that Nadler started out by saying the defense was “nonsense,” though.

Nadler wasn’t supposed to be the one up there for that closing. It was Schiff’s choice, he is in charge. Nadler took it upon himself. I would’ve much rather seen Adam up there. I also didn’t much care for Nadler’s remarks there. While he was right that Biden is completely irrelevant to this, some rebuttal should have been given about the joint decision of the Obama white house, Congress, and multiple other world leaders to remove Shokin. Not only was it not Biden’s decision, it was a decision that was made with approval from Congress. Nadler makes me cringe compared to the others.

Collins is a YES

Predictit seems to be moving. I guess because of Collins, but I don’t see how that changes anything.

Could be one of those calculated yeses because it’s still not enough, my own personal coping mechanism with all this shit is to refrain from caring until it’s in writing, even then ascii shrug

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It doesn’t but PI has swung twice in both directions already today so someone has made a good amount of money simply betting against the swing. We knew Collins was a yes. Murk’s statement tonight is “go look over there I’m out of here”.

Is it that much of a hot take to say Dersh is a worse person than OJ? Think the latter might be on better standing right now.


Sheldon Whitehouse is squarely in the WAAF camp.

get fucked alexander a no, collins just cover

Lamar a no.


never count on anyone named lamar when it matters


I guess we get to see if Murkowski feels like putting Roberts on the spot. Lisa has to be a no, and she has to no longer be a Senator next year.

man, good luck with that in alaska. She’s already been primaried and still won anyway.

2nd place was a libertarian in her last election

SCORCHING FEVER DREAM TAKE: Lamar Alexander will make a face turn and vote to convict. He doesn’t need more evidence because he knows Trump’s guilty.

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Whoa. Alexander admits that there is no question POTUS asked to investigate the Bidens. He says he is convinced of POTUS’s guilt.

Yeah I know. That’s just my sane world view for Alaska.

Lol “don’t need witnesses, he’s guilty (but I’m voting acquit)” is not a line I saw coming.


wait, what?