ITV: Impeachment Television

Eh, I saw Senators talking to Schiff and company at certain points. It’s all just a farce, anyway.

They’re not Democracy Robots.

What’s the matter with a little chit chat between jurors and lawyers during trial.

we know the fate of the trial, we’re just arguing how long it’s going to take and how nonsensically ridiculous it’s going to get.

The length of the trial is important tho.

Every second this lasts makes Trump weaker.

I’m not sure this is true. Trump’s #'s have gone up a little during this.

Just play all the quotes from R senators when they were criticizing trump way back when instead of taking this seriously if alexander says no tonight schiff

Tone matters there a lot. He could be saying that ironically.


Can’t talk about economy

When you’re on trial for corruption

points at head

Also, RCP Trump Approval rolling favorability is down since trial started. Stop gaslighting.

-7.3 spread with HISTORIC ECONOMIC GROWTH. Lol he dead.


Pence is fine being a bottom.

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Pence bribing Senators would be totally fine as long as he truly believes it’s for the good of the country!!


Nah. Bribery is impeachable under the Derpowitz standard.

Pence’s wife was losing her mind at him when he became VP because he was going to make less money and they were deep in debt and broke. Trump bought her dress for the inauguration. He’s the guy you bribe not the guy who bribes you.

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lots of coughing, all the Republicans getting Corona

Would have never guessed that Sekulow buys 'em off the rack.

Pence is the only one of these scumbags who is both devoid of character/shame AND completely broke lololololollll Mike Pence forever

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I still beleef.

lol at Schiff trying to get Nadler’s attention before he went up there, only to have Nadler not hear him.

That seemed to me like Schiff wanting to answer this question, which seems like its the last before we’re done.

Nadler isn’t anywhere near as good as the others.