ITV: Impeachment Television

If super waaf lives in your heart then you don’t need a badge, but #klobucharmy is always looking for new blood

Had to badge up after this. He’s gonna be so much worst after this and dems are gonna go weak tight and not do any more impeachments this year while republicans rig the election.

I knew he’d get acquitted and we likely wouldn’t get witnesses, but normalizing the defenses that were thrown out is gonna empower him to somehow be even worse than he already is.

I’ll be pleasantly surprised if we don’t hear “dem nominee is under investigation” right before the god damn election again.

They’re almost certainly going to try to do a separate biden investigation regardless.

Good thing that the unimpeachable authoritarian running the country only has… * checks notes * … nine months to come up with ways to lie, cheat and steal his way to a second term regardless of how many voters we drive to the polls.

I’ve been on the WAAF train for so long I will never need a badge to be distinguished. For those who aren’t planning on leaving the country after he wins in November, it’s getting close to the time to start planning for our new existence under indefinite authoritarian rule.

There is a lot to be mad about what democrats didn’t do in that narrow window under Obama. But I can’t help but think maybe the worst was not passing some sort of election security bill. Moscow Mitch has been openly laughing at Democrats for trying to push such legislation last few years.


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Pleasantly surprised? I’ll be SHOCKED if the Dem nominee isn’t under investigation before the election. Possibly the VP too. Plus whoever runs against swing state GOP senators who had Trump’s back the whole way. Our only hope is that these evil but dumb motherfuckers are too dumb to properly rig the election.

Cause I’ll tell you right now, if you gave me an evil pill and put me in charge of getting Trump re-elected under the precedent that’s about to be set, and a guarantee of a pardon afterward, there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that I’d lose.

The only saving grace is that the governors and secretaries of state in PA, MI and WI are all Dems, and the evil bastards with all this unconstrained power are mostly total morons.

Yep, that summer home Bernie owns…BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIII

There is a chance that even if Trump is impeached, this will be the last thing you read.

On the other hand, this classic might lift the despair.

Like, just off the top of my head, here are the candidates and the DOJ investigations that are obvious:

Bernie - That trip to Russia for his anniversary with his wife when he was younger, use it to smear him as a commie, also that tax thing

Biden - Burisma/Hunter

Warren - Lying on her job applications to get ahead

Buttigieg - Misconduct in his handling of the shooting by one of his police officers in South Bend

Then here are the things you can do to influence the election:

  1. Solicit the help of every friendly foreign government. Russia, Israel and Saudi Arabia are the first obvious ones. Also pressure anyone you can leverage who can do anything for you, just like Ukraine, use any quid pro quo you want. Pressure a government in Central America to force/entice a few thousand people to start up a caravan in mid-October.

  2. About a month before the election, have Barr open an investigation into a Democratic organization for voter turnout, doesn’t matter which one, for attempting to orchestrate a massive operation to have illegal immigrants vote and to have liberal activists in Antifa vote more than once. Begin saying Antifa and the name of the candidate in the same sentence 100 times a day. You’ll get the media writing headlines like, “MoveOn and Antifa Under Investigation for Illegal Attempts to Help Sanders.” Then, 1-2 weeks before the election, have Trump announce that they have identified specific and credible threats in this operation that cannot be publicly revealed due to the ongoing investigation. As a result, via executive order, all voters nationwide will have to show ID at the polls. Doesn’t even matter what chaos ensues in the next 1-2 weeks, or what courts rule, or whether it actually sticks on Election Day. It’ll depress turnout among minorities who are scared of what may happen if they show up to vote, and it’ll increase turnout among the GOP base.

  3. Announce that this plan was targeting Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Call upon those governors and secretaries of state to ID every single voter in those cities, and to log their fingerprints or something. When they refuse, issue an executive order a week before the election. Same as above, it doesn’t matter what the outcome is - it’ll impact voter turnout positively for Trump.

  4. Have the DOJ announce about a week before the election that they’ve discovered that these organizations, Antifa, and the Sanders/Biden/whoever campaign have managed to successfully hack voting machines. Seize voting machines as evidence in key cities like the ones above. It’ll be too late for new ones to be put into place, and it’ll create a last minute cluster fuck in counting votes.

  5. Directly hire foreign hackers to hack voting machines. Why the hell not? It’s in the interest of your re-election, so it’s not impeachable!

  6. If you lose, have the DOJ open an investigation into the voting in whatever states decided the election. No holds barred, anything goes, up to and including fabricating evidence. Again, you’re the president, so it is all fine, you’re just doing it in the interest of re-election, which you believe is good for America. You’re unimpeachable for this! Pardon yourself and everyone who helped on the way out if it fails.

I thought of all of that in 15 minutes. These assholes have nine months, and a lot more motivation than me. They’re also dumber than me, so we’ve got that going for us.

If the Democrats were smart and/or not complicit in being a party of controlled opposition, if they had any understanding of the stakes or the game they were in, they’d push every (legal) lever they have to influence this election to the absolute max. They do have plays to make, even though it would be an uphill fight.


Do you really know what he did on that honeymoon in the Soviet Union? KGB sleeper agent.

This alone gives Trump about a 99% chance of winning. The voter turnout in Philly, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Charlotte, Phoenix and Las Vegas doesn’t have to be depressed all that much to give him those states. They could do Denver to help Gardner out, too, and maybe Schiff’s district and a few others as a nice little eff you to the people who tried to take him down.

“President Putin, if you’re listening, I’m sure the media and the American people would reward you greatly for releasing any information you have on Comrade Sanders. He’s a traitor to your people and a traitor to ours, and I would definitely sanction the release of that information… I might not sanction certain other things if you released it.”

Cliffs: if you thought the last three years were a hellscape, buckle up.

and for Donald Fucking Trump


I know its been years now. But there is still a part of my brain rejecting the host of The Apprentice still being the President. Especially since his cult is this deep.

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It’s not just that they will be investigating everyone now, it’s that they will say it is now authorized and approved by the impeachment acquittal, by Justice Roberts, and by the hard work of the lawyers that proved beyond a shadow that POTUS can do whatever they want to win an election. Shoot dems? Ok. Lock up dissenters? No problem. It’s an election year after all.

What’s to stop them from doing something like getting new voting machines from Russia that aren’t on the up? The machines are shit as is, but why not go full 100

The republican senators are openly moving to: “obviously he is guilty, but it’s not bad enough donee don’t need to hear more” seems like a strategy to get ahead of all the other shit that will definitely get out in the months to come. Their acquittal will look worse and worse, and they know it, so they will make up whatever it takes to soften the impact.

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Bernie’s wife’s management of Burlington College was under investigation by the FBI a couple years ago. Expect some new evidence to require reopening the investigation in late October of this year.

And if Bernie doesn’t submit to questioning and releasing 100 years of Burlington college tax documents he is guilty.