ITV: Impeachment Television

I enjoy the argument that impeachment overrides the will of the people as if the people’s will when they elected Trump was that he commit treason and abuse power shamelessly.

I had to double check that being a correctly-spelled real name of a Trumpstain lawyer because it’s also definitely the medical term for an unsightly purplish rash. Story checks out.

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I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what many Trump voters both wanted and expected.

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I don’t know if this is serious or sarcastic, but either way I agree!

Cheeky. I don’t think many of them besides the I’d rather vote for Putin than A Democrat tshirt guys wanted Trump to be Russia’s bitch.



So being elected means you’re above the law for 4 years and commit whatever crimes you feel like?

What did Schiff say that they’re pearl clutching over?

either say “I’m in favor of witnesses” or stfua


Not really any need for Romney to say anything. I normally don’t give any credence to the VeryConcerned crowd, but I’d say it’s 70%+ he’s voting for witnesses.

Literally all he did was quote Trump’s “head on a pike” remark to bolster his point. They’re mad at him for repeating what Trump said.

First, there was Thursday’s declaration that “you know you can’t trust this president to do what’s right for this country,” and then on Friday, he invoked a news report that Republican senators had been warned that their heads would be “on a pike” if they voted against Mr. Trump.

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no, they’re mad at him because they look like a bunch of ass kissing cowards

no, they’re not mad they actually are a bunch of ass kissing cowards; they just don’t want their low info constituents to realize they’re a bunch of ass kissing cowards. Pretty standard whenever you’ve had a discussion with a R voter.


“Do we really have any doubt about the facts here?” Mr. Schiff asked. “Does anybody really question whether the president is capable of what he’s charged with? No one is really making the argument Donald Trump would never do such a thing, because of course we know that he would, and of course we know that he did.”

But that, Mr. Schiff said, led to the most critical question of all: “Does he really need to be removed?” The answer was yes, Mr. Schiff said, then offered a situation in which the Russians interfered in the 2020 election to help Mr. Trump, just as they did in 2016.

“Can you have the least bit of confidence that Donald Trump will stand up to them and protect our national interest over his own personal interest?” Mr. Schiff said. “You know you can’t, which makes him dangerous to this country.’’



it’s just his career that’s dead

No google, I’m guessing hes about 90, er I mean that’s not a guess it’s impossible for him to be not about 90, but hes 88 I woulda lost ou on that.

how dare schiff say such outlandish things like that!



Now with an inexplicable apostrophe!

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Tax exempt

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