ITV: Impeachment Television

I avoided my civic duty of listening to Trumps lawyers lie to me for 8 hours and instead had fun at Magic Mountain. Anyone have cliffs?

They lied for 8 hours


Ok good sounds like im all caught up then


Wouldn’t “Widdle” be a significantly better insult than “Liddle”? It adds a certain whininess.

I admit I’m not a presidential-level insulter though.




They didn’t stop at evisceration. Don’t downplay the shredding imo

I mean, there is no reason to waiver. It’s a fucking trial. It’s not like there are times when you’d legitimately think it was not appropriate to allow witnesses.

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republicans are in favor of witnesses

Alive and retired but he still holds the Guiness world record for most hours spent on TV.

Imagine calling Joe Biden to testify and not Donald Trump. What a joke.

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Democracy USA

Not sure why we even care about witnesses

Mick m called to the stand

Perjures himself 28 times

Nothing happens.



It seems EXTREMELY likely that Parnas has more tapes. Do those leak today while nothing is going on, or after Trump’s lawyers finish up (tuesday?)?

*being elected as a Republican with a Republican Senate means you’re above the law. No way in hell Republicans don’t vote to impeach the next Dem president over far less treasonous acts.

Unrelated side note - I was told yesterday that I look like Adam Schiffs son (I look nothing like Adam Schiff). Not sure how it was meant but I’m taking it as a compliment since Schiff has been fantastic throughout this trial.

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Lankford on Tapper’s show this morning: “obviously Daddy Trump meant a POLITICAL price when he said Schiff would ‘pay a price’”

Also Lankford on Tapper’s show this morning: “it’s extremely offensive that schiff would imply that people who oppose trump would pay a political price”

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The good news is there’s probably no scenario where a Democratic President is elected without Democrats retaining control of the House. Therefore no impeachment of the next Democrat in the White House. So if Biden does get elected, I hope he gives Hunter the White House office Ivanka used and puts him in charge of Middle-East peace.


If Biden is elected, 2022 could be a bloodbath.

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I just realized this is the only reason that calling witnesses is polling at 70%+. If the question was “are you in favor of calling witnesses other than Biden and the whistleblower” it would drop back down to 40-something.

Comprehensive flowchart of GOP position regarding impeachment
