ITV: Impeachment Television

Fuck you again Susan Collins. She’s going to be the rules monitor for the press and Democrats, but not for the Republicans blatantly leaving the Senate floor, using electronics, etc.

I can easily see mafia style threats–but they’re usually smart enough to leave a little ambiguity.

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WTF. I expected witness intimidation, but outright jury intimidation?

Jury intimidation?

Hell, Foreman Mitch publicly stated before the trial started that he would be coordinating with the defense team.

Heard a rumor he will be acquitted by next Friday at the latest… :scream:

Some Schiff clips.


Regarding the witness trade and the Dems protecting Biden, if they’re dumb enough to do anything that is to any degree based on protecting Joe Biden from testifying to the Senate, they are MASSIVE, ENORMOUS IDIOTS.

  1. Schumer, etc, “Welp, we didn’t get our witnesses, but great job guys, we’ve protected likely nominee Joe Biden!”

  2. Joe Biden wins the nomination.

  3. Mitch McConnell opens a Senate investigation into the Burisma scandal and subpoenas Joe Biden and Hunter Biden for televised testimony in October, with the vote right down party lines.

  4. Schumer, “Oh. Right. That’s a thing they can do.”


And besides that, what’s the point of a trade? If the GOP votes to allow witnesses, they have the 53 votes needed to call anyone they want to testify, the only question is whether there will be witnesses and whether the prosecution will get any. The GOP can do whatever it wants.


at this point I would be shocked if there wasn’t a DOJ announcement investigating hillary/obama/the nominee right before the god damn election. Why wouldn’t they run the same playbook that worked the last go around?

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schumer said the witness trade idea was off the table recently.

well the GOP can’t literally do whatever they want; they wanted to dismiss it already but they only had 45 votes for that. Somehow.

I’ve been called to jury duty a couple of times. Once I got on the jury. The other time I didn’t. But if I get called again, I shall have an earful for that courtroom should I be asked any questions. Surely you couldn’t expect me to convict someone of my own gender, or someone of my own religion or my own race. Obviously there’s no way I should convict somebody who’s in my political party. We’re really tribal now, and that wasn’t my idea. That was my government’s idea. Impartial justice? What? We’re in Trump’s America now where there’s no such thing as impartial justice. So don’t ask me to provide any.


It‘s not about protecting Biden, but about the narrative. It is obviously bad to have the impeachment hearing having significant airtime devoted to Burisma nonsense. It will just lead to normal people to throw up their hands and say „both sides bad“. Why should Democrats actively work toward that?



It’s the impeachment trial for Donald dickhead trump

The Biden’s have nothing to do with any of this

He abused power by trying to extort a foreign country to investigate a rival


He obstructed justice.

Letting Biden talk legitimizes the narrative that trump was doing this to end corruption

He wasn’t

Everyone knows it

Either the R agree to have real witnesses or they don’t

They have to vote yes or no based on the facts.


Cosigned elite. Perfect summation.

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I mean, if you know the Senate will acquit anyway, why waste time prepping? This is a vacation.

It doesn’t matter what they say,
As long as they scream with inflection