ITV: Impeachment Television

Napolitano has been going after Trump for awhile now.

The surprising part is fox news let this happen.

Fuck right off Susan. Please god Maine, give her the boot in November. “Stunned” by Nadler’s behavior. LOL

Susan Collins has gotta be the worst of these “moderate Republicans”, she gets “troubled” at a rate like 5 times that of any of the others and somehow it’s always Groundhog Day and she’s always surprised anew by every completely cynical and lawless thing her party does. I can’t tell if she thinks this is good PR for her or if she’s legitimately this stupid. It can probably be both. The other “moderates” are mostly keeping their heads down at the moment.


She would have voted for witnesses but Nadler hurt her feelings so now she won’t. She does want a little more evidence that Trump is a rapist though so she can feel better about defending him.


If you’re not breathing enough fire to offend the sensibilities of someone like Susan Collins, you’re being too nice to Republicans.


i saw somewhere that 98% of collins funding comes from outside maine. the dem challenger just needs to put that on repeat in ever single maine tv channel for the next 10 months…


I wish there was some version of Aldo Raine that could carve “Trump” in to the forehead of every mother fucking Senate Republican and stone cold dipshit rube so that they have to wear for eternity the shameful decision to support Donald goddamn Trump as their overlord and savior.



Fuck figuratively

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Branding Iron

Or how about that scene from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

(Which I watched back to back with the kids movie UP and a transatlantic flight. I cried during both but for very different reasons).

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I don’t think that would mean anything but my first strategy with these R people, I’d just find clips where they disagreed with trump (easy to do with trump disagreeing with himself all the time) and end those with some stereotype R old lady with “that’s it, I’m not voting at all” type just to try to depress their turnout. That and the parts he says he’s gonna cut medicare/SS/etc. Over and over.

yes, that sounds ridiculous, but most of their voters are still angry some of them wavered a bit after that hollywood tape got released. People rarely pay attention to actual votes in congress. (of course this is one of them, but I believe you’ll see 0 R’s vote anything but to acquit)

the more interesting votes are manchin (currently favored to acquit of course), Sienma (who knows), and a small chance of Jones who I think votes to convict in the end.

It’s sad nobody’s taking this seriously, R’s are acting like children bored in a classroom.

You watched a movie with a graphic rape scene on an airplane? :thinking:

I didn’t know that was coming that extreme. I ended up using my blanket to shield my iPad.

I watched Borat the same way.

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I caught some of the Dems’ presentation on NPR on my way home tonight. Got me all outraged again, which I think means they’re doing a good job?

The question I’ve been wrestling with is: how can we influence senators in other states? I’m in WA so I know what my two D senators will do. But is there anything at all that can be done to put pressure on R senators in other states? It’s maddening that these dipshits, representing some small fraction of the country’s population, get to have a lock on our government. Anyone have any ideas?


Schiff spitting hot fire.

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Jeffries and some of the others are really good but Schiff is like the Mariano Rivera of this shit.


Right and truth used to matter. They don’t now. And that will be the legacy of the Republican Party.

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I just tuned into the last 10 minutes, haven’t been able to watch much else and my goodness that was one of the best speeches Ive ever heard. Up there game of inches and remember the Titans.

Fuck it…that was We shall fight on the beachesesque!


Mariano Rivera is the person I am most disappointed to learn is a deplorable.
