ITV: Impeachment Television

I would like to hear from Schiff today about the appearance of the Pedo and ask that he keep his pants on & when the gasps are over with explain that as they have acquired a Constitutional Lawyer on their team to rebuke the Pedoā€™s takes, they will correct any liesā€¦ I. E. Alan donā€™t get caught with your pants down.

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Does Rep Demings not follow Trump on Twitter?


Good point being made. The Rs could just call Joe and Hunter to testify. That have 53 votes. Itā€™s just BS.

Every break someone should have on Lev to tie in his recollections to go with the presentation. Senate wonā€™t see it but voters will.

Hopefully Bloombergā€™s people are planning to edit that Super Bowl commercial up to the last minute.

This is why I said a trade would be OKā€¦

And I though this was already investigated and Joe/Obama had receipts? Is that not the case?

I thought it was already established that they did nothing wrong, allowing them to debate it again seems similar to debating if jet fuel can burn hot enough to melt steelā€¦

Yeah This is what Iā€™m getting atā€¦ Canā€™t Joe just drop in and read all that was in the report clearing Joe. And not answer anymore alough that would still cause soundbitesā€¦

Yupā€¦ Yā€™all are correctā€¦ Joe shouldnā€™t appear. :+1:

Iā€™ll see myself outā€¦ :joy:

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Not like theyā€™re gonna get paid for the work anyway


And have overpriced DC hotel roomsā€¦ :roll_eyes:

I DGAF about Biden per se, but I see two related downsides to horse-trading witnesses:

  1. Biden isnā€™t a material/relevant witness. By allowing him to testify the Democrats are implicitly conceding heā€™s relevant.
  2. Allowing Biden to testify allows the GOP to make Trumpā€™s impeachment a sideshow about Biden and avoid the central issue: Trump subverting Congressional will in the same breath he subjugates foreign policy to his personal interest.

The whole reason he did the bribery was to get Biden in a negative light in the news by having an official group (in that case Ukraine) announce they are looking into him and his family.

Iā€™m not for calling him to this trial to help trump achieve his aim by having an official group (Senate) look into him and his family.

I donā€™t want Biden winning the primary, but Iā€™m not gonna be for helping trump just to potentially slightly lower Bidenā€™s chances.

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Schiffā€™s bit on Trump and Putin in Helsinki was very good. Would be quite damning if anyone gave a shit.

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Schiff is so fucking good.

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Sekulow seems upset.

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I think when this is over weā€™ll be able to give the Democrats at least a ā€œBā€ on production value compared to a likely ā€œFā€ for Trumpā€™s defense team. The prosecutors are making pretty good use of stuff available off of C-Span. Have they used any clips though from a TV network? I donā€™t think so. So that means those clips are likely off limits. Thatā€™s good, because if they werenā€™t, we would be seeing that Biden clip about firing the Ukraine official repeatedly. So I expect to hear a defense with no sound bites, except maybe a couple from Jonathan Turleyā€™s House testimony.


I think Iā€™ve seen them use clips from PBS, ABC and CBS

I just saw one from CBS but that was from a hearing. Iā€™m wondering if they can use interview type stuff. I havenā€™t seen Giuliani with Chris Cuomo or Trump with Stephanopoulos. So Iā€™m wondering if they are limited to sound bites from media-group settings when it comes to using clips from networks?

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