ITV: Impeachment Television

Somehow this thread made me feel better than I was after seeing all the “no” votes (waaf crowd please see Cuse’s and Danpartan’s posts). I mean waaf still but not necessarily right at this second, and sounds like the Dems are doing a solid job compared to the R lawyers. Too bad no one is probably paying attention to any of it.


Chris Cuomo is such a douche.



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We were coming around on the environment before trump. Him setting us back may just kill more then all those put together.

Even if not we still dont know where this all goes with a trump who is even more unleashed. Probably best to not declare victory until and when he is out the door.

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I’m not sure how police officers occasionally getting charged is in the win column. The militarization of police continues apace, incarceration is very high despite relatively low crime rates. Climate change is an impending catastrophe. Republicans have stacked the courts. Real wages haven’t budged in decades, inequality is through the roof, life expectancy is declining due to “deaths of despair”, 1 in 6 American adults is on psychiatric medication to help them make it through the day.

Against this you offer “there’s greater awareness of Greta and AOC”. Great, wonderful.


One of the Republicans broke ranks on that next to last vote. Not that it matters at this point.

BLM has clearly had a significant effect on police practices. Your minimization of police prosecution betrays your ignorance: bodycams have become the norm nationwide; this is a major change from just a short time ago.



“Incarceration is very high”

Via Pew 2018:

“The nation’s incarceration rate peaked at 1,000 inmates per 100,000 adults during the three-year period between 2006 and 2008. It has declined every year since then and is now at its lowest point since 1996, when there were 830 inmates per 100,000 adults.”

The argument is that things aren’t hopeless and things are improving. It’s not that things are perfect and can’t get better.

Not sure. It was Susan Collins. Could’ve just been for show knowing it wouldn’t matter.

This is a derail and I’ll quit it after this, but I’ll just note that the incarceration rate was 310 per 100,000 in 1980 (and that was considered high at the time). Violent crime has declined by like 40% since 1996, yet incarceration only managed a 15% decline in the same period. The violent crime decline is probably largely down to policies enacted decades ago (Roe v Wade and the removal of lead from fuel).

Should have kept going longer, older Senator average age on Republican side could lead to extra stress staying awake so long. Chance ot leads to death or they fall into such a deep sleep and the vote passes 47-46 or 38-30 or something


This whole thing is dumb. There is literally 0% we are getting to 67 senators

They all know he did it. They all know he’s done worse

Some of these guys joke that Putin has trump on the payroll

Showing in a formal public display how Republican Senators are covering for their crime boss President has value, even if it’s maybe not the value we’re looking for.


All correct. This is why I didn’t watch one second of coverage last night. It’s pointless and while I’m not completely checked out of politics at this point, I’ve got one foot firmly out the door. I truly feel my time and energy would be better used trying to figure out how to get into Canada. I have an interview with a large construction company next week that is based in Canada and from what I’ve heard they’re pretty good about letting people transfer to wherever there is an opening so I’m hoping that bears fruit.