ITV: Impeachment Television



Maudlin Johnny still speaking his mind freely.

Things are so bad they almost canā€™t get worse. Frankly, itā€™s impossible to imagine anything worse than thisā€¦debateā€¦in the Senateā€¦about the Presidentā€™s coverup.

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So things are better than 2015 right now?

Same shitshow, more lights.

Iā€™ve had kind of a weird fascination with Watergate for a while, Iā€™ve read a whole lot about how Watergate and the life and times of Nixon went down.

Ultimately, I think Watergate was an aberration from the norm, and it wound up being a comforting fairytale about how great the US is and how our system of checks and balances works. With Watergate you had absolute proof on audiotape that Nixon was up to some shit and there was no Fox News establishment to spew counter-propaganda 24/7. Even then, I think Nixonā€™s approval rating was at like 30% or so when he left.

Nixon has become the standard model for how our system of checks and balances plays out because itā€™s a reassuring story that we all learned about in high school, but a better model is really Reagan and Clinton. Reagan just obviously was committing all kinds of impeachable crimes during Iran-Contra but there was absolutely no political will to toss him out late in his second term. Lt. Col Oliver North showed up to hearings in his uniform and ran some of the best political theater of al time. And then thereā€™s Clinton. Obv sleazy as fuck, but good luck convincing people that boning your intern and lying about it is a high crime/misdemeanor.

Basically, I think impeachment is going to be an increasingly common thing and itā€™s increasingly going to play out more like Reagan/Clinton than like Nixon. The idea that our vaulted system of checks and balances works is just not supported by modern events. Basically, turn to Reagan/Clinton as your framework for understanding how this plays out, not Nixon.

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Added a second to the ignore list to join nun. Feels good.

I think so, and the evidence is pretty strong.

Some things have got worse. Children are separated from their parents in the detention centers that were established by Obama. Wealth inequality has widened.

But, the evidence is stronger for improvement. Every day since 2015 more awful olds that support Trump and his awful policies die, more purple states become bluer, police officers are actually charged and convicted for murders these days, climate advocates like Greta are taken FAR more seriously and given a much more prominent place among leading Democratsā€™ and Democratic fundersā€™ agendas, and more people are aware of AOC (who wasnā€™t known, much less in Congress and thought leading, in 2015) and her revolutionary platform. As we know from respected poster Microbet, War Criminal Obama was droning people on the daily in 2015, and involved in more ME wars than Trump. Foreign policy is probably ~same now and then.

Youā€™re still reading every post tho. Your virtue signaling has its limits.

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fuck off

Mods: This person isnā€™t trolling. The person answering the non-trollā€™s question in good faith with examples is a troll. WeAreVerySmart.

What weā€™ve got here is a failure to imagine.

Ok, I changed the channel. I canā€™t deal with this shit anymore.


Cipollone has ten kids and graduated from Covington Catholic.

Time to bring the old gems back out


This fuck face piece of shit Cipollone just said Jerry Nadler owes the President an apology and the President was a man of his word. We have never sunk to any low like the lies and deflection happening right now in the Senate.

Has the WAAF conversation not yet arced back to what we can do to improve things? Thereā€™s time for venting and awfulizing.

There is no chance I wouldnā€™t punch Jay Sekulow as hard as humanly possible if he was standing in front of me.

Lol Sekulow cares more about Executive Privilege than anyone cares about anything.

Like Nadler using the LIE word here a lot.

When they said it was going past 12 I thought they were joking