ITV: Impeachment Television

this should be your undertitle


What is the maximum number of amendments that can be submitted? Thatā€™s the number Iā€™d have because fuck everyone, thatā€™s why. Nonzero chance you could stroke out Moscow in the process and Iā€™d definitely call for the sergeant at arms if anyone interrupted my presentation trying to help him. Weā€™re doing the Clinton rules so thereā€™s no talking and no paramedics allowed on the floor.

Brilliant move here. This lady right now is the human halfspeed Youtube button, the optimal weapon to introduce after Americans go to bed and the Nazis start whining about the time.

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So is all this from the house counting against their time for making the case or are these just detailed justifications for each proposed amendment? I think itā€™s the latter and that makes this brilliant.

It may be a losing hand with the senate vote fated, but so far the house managers are playing it brilliantly. They are getting their whole case in the first few hours, making the R senators sit in silence and just take it. And then they are going to have to take it over and over for another six 8 hour days (3x8 for both sides?). The D presentations will sway people, while the R defense will play exactly to the base and change no oneā€™s mind.

Repeating the details over and over and over are going to keep them in the headlines for two weeks is awesome. The presentations are top notch. The rebuttals to the lies by Clownsel and SuckaTrump are timely.

If any 2020 Rs flip on any vote, trump will crucify them and trump will either try to primary them or his negative reaction will suppress turnout (which will damage trump himself).

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I get it, Sylvia Garcia is trying. Sheā€™s trying to do a good job summarizing some absolutely meaningless set of events about how the White House is a corrupt group of dipshit monsters.

NO ONE GIVES A SHIT. (I would like a feature to increase font size in instances like this - mods?)

What I actually need her to do is call out Republican senators, by name, and make them lay (lie?) in this fucking bed of vomitus bad faith and complacency that they have made for themselves.

Get up to that podium and drop some fucking bombs. Boom roasted Mitch. BOOM FUCKING ROASTED FUCKING SUSAN.


Nah this is brilliant. This lady is absolutely fucking brutal on the mic and the traitors were complaining about it being late like 4 hours ago.

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this one posted yet?

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Hey Mitt

Repeating the outrage over and over catches the casuals checking in from time to time. Nobody that is watching all of this is undecided for November. Itā€™s about sound bites, catching the drop ins, hitting newsie talking points, and oh yeah, torturing you. They know there wonā€™t be a conviction. The are playing the long game. They are grinding you in this small pot and setting you for the big hand down the road*

*assuming there isnā€™t outright vote theft

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Nothing? Feelsgood.

Like 5 posts before you did. Your pony must have been hitting the box of wine with the judge.

Even if all the witnesses the House Managers want to hear from testify, theyā€™ll just lie, and Republicans/Trump will say, ā€œSEE? FULL EXONERATION!ā€

And there will be no consequences for lying.

Oh, but someone will write a book about it in a few years and weā€™ll all be outraged.

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Pam Bondi trending. And not in a good way. Seems like the kind of lawyer that has jailhouse relations with her client.

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I like to think Iā€™m a super politics nerd but I havenā€™t been able to keep up with any of this, much respect to the people who are following this and updating the thread, it is informative.

I gave you a snarky response to this earlier because Iā€™m angry and kind of a dick, but this deserves a real answer: basically Senate Republicans are in complete control of what happens and comparing it to a legal trail can be misleading. You will hear people say the cliche that ā€œthis is a political process, not a legal process,ā€ and thatā€™s true in many ways but misleading in other ways. A key thing to understand here is that everyone has always known that Senate Republicans ultimately hold all of the cards from the very start.

The ā€œjudgeā€ in this case is largely ceremonial and plays no real role in what happens. The jury would all be struck for cause in any normal legal trial. Some geriatric unprincipled reprobate from Kentucky basically decides what all the rules of evidence and testimony will be unless 4-5 Republican Senators challenge him. There is some debate about whether or not this will happen. No one is ever compelling Trump to do anything. They canā€™t even compel Hope Hicks to testify.

Anyway, there needs to be a 2/3 majority in the Senate to actually remove Trump from office, and by god I will give you better odds that Italy wins the Six Nations rugby tournament than 20 of these Republican dickholes decide to stand against Trump.

Like, during the Kavanaugh hearings Susan Collins had dozens of sexual assault survivors flood her office and tell her firsthand about their experiences and then Collins carefully listened to Dr Blasey Ford give her testimony about the time Kavbro rpaed her and then she listened to Kav give his absurd angry shouty rapebro account about beer and calendars and other such events and Susan decided to let the rapey asshole become one of the most powerful people in the country. I mean, you have to be be some kind of 100% amoral psycopath to play your hand like that. Susan Collinsā€™s cold-hearted ass is considered to be one of the more moderate voices in the US Senate. So, I am not optimistic about the idea that twenty of these senators decide to rebel.


Schiff making good points. President (Defendant) keeping House Managers (Prosecutor) from calling witnesses to prove its case. Not how trials work.

This is the biggest sham and the greatest show of obedience to a cult leader that I have ever witnessed. If there really is a motion to dismiss without any kind of trial, then we really are fucked as a country and we will never recover. Not ever. We will always be a country where the rich, white politicians get to completely fuck over anyone for whatever reason they want with zero recourse.

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Motion to subpoena for discussion of the drug deal

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