ITV: Impeachment Television

Plus Trump would just claim executive privilege for his witnesses so we would just end up hearing from Hunter.

I mean, maybe, but the real vote on witnesses isn’t until after the opening statements from both sides. May even end up being next week at this rate. The GOP senators who said they might vote for witnesses or would like to hear witnesses or thought witnesses were sorta kinda definitely maybe potentially possibly a thing that could sorta kinda happen were all unequivocal about voting no if it was brought up before opening statements.

Witnesses weren’t voted on til after opening statements for Clinton, either…

So like if your take was always there will be no witnesses, then that’s a fair take and we can debate the likelihood (I think it’s around 75% likely that there will be witnesses). If your take is that today’s votes prove there will not be witnesses, you’re reading too much into them.


Cipollone’s father was an Italian immigrant and factory worker; his mother was a homemaker. He spent most of his childhood in the Bronx. The family moved to Kentucky, where he graduated from Covington Catholic High School in 1984.

It’s always the same circles.

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Are you referring to the prison camps that Joe Fucking Biden just recently said he would immediately shut down if elected? The camps that are going to be shut down in ~1 year when whoever wins the Presidency for the Democratic Party takes office? The camps that, awful and inhuman and unnecessary that they are, do not summarily and silently execute their inhabitants? Those camps? Or something else you conjured up in the middle of your apocalyptic fever dream?

I hope I’m wrong, but this sure looks like Susan Collins is Kavanaugh on us. I mean, not even Romney is breaking ranks, what does he have to lose at this point.

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Man I am glad I didn’t have the ability to follow this real-time today. Fuck all this shit, it is going to be exactly as much of a sham trial as we all think it could be and hope it won’t be.

The fact you can even complain about this bullshit proves you’re wrong. DUCY

Figured I hadn’t seen an anachronistic post in a while, maybe I’d unhide one to see if his posting had improved. Lolme.

Have we figured out who this dipshit was back at 2p2 and why he feels the need to troll us now? Go ahead and fuck off please, thanks.

Since you’re already going to read this anyway: prove me wrong. Prove that the world is worse today than when MLK was executed.


Uh, yeah, Biden. He’s to the left of Booker and Kamala on this issue lol.

Former Vice President Joe Biden called for immigrant detention centers to be shut down claiming the facilities were unnecessary.

During a town hall forum in South Carolina Thursday, Biden was asked how he would deal with the issues surrounding detention centers that retain immigrants who attempt to cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Biden responded, “Close them down! By the way, we don’t need them!”

Back in July, Biden promised that if elected to the White House, he would not detain migrant children at the detention centers on the border. He made this pledge after meeting with over 20 members of BOLDPAC, a political action committee that funds the reelection campaigns of Congressional Hispanic Caucus members on Capitol Hill.

Minors who travel to the border with legal guardians are brought into the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with the rest of their family, where the entire unit is ordinarily released within 20 days.

The Trump administration recently announcedplans to allow DHS to hold migrant families in detention for longer periods of time than what is currently allowed under the 2015 Flores Settlement Agreement. The Obama administration, however, had already held migrant families for longer periods than 20 days up until the Flores Settlement Agreement was established.

Biden’s current stance puts him in alignment with his fellow Democratic primary opponents who also called to shut down the facilities including New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker who wants to “virtually eliminate immigration detention,” as well as California Sen. Kamala Harris, who called to “Get rid of the private detention centers.”

Biden and his fellow Democrats have called for the end of these detention center amid an illegal immigration and humanitarian crisis. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 800,000 apprehensions have been made at the southern border this year up to this point.

Wtf does gerrymandering have to do with Biden’s CBP keeping detention centers open?

The words “Mrs Blackburn” make my fucking blood boil

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Wait, you think the people deny global warming, and like, unironically use the term fake news, and lie all the time about obvious, easily knowable facts, are really worried about what kind of record evidence is presented in the Senate hearing to support their decision?

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Dude ignore him already. Stop feeding the troll.


We’ll see, I just remember reading last week that these votes were a virtual lock to go 53-47 and didn’t mean much, it’s just something Schumer is forcing into the record because he can.

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I just don’t see how things are so hopeless and helpless when they’ve basically always got much much better.

Just saw a headline about private discussions of a Biden-for-witnesses swap. I used to be fully for that since I wouldn’t shed a tear for Biden’s candidacy dying prematurely pre-Iowa, but I’m now reminding myself that the GOP is so much fucking better at this than the Democrats, and adding Biden as a witness would probably turn this into even more of a deflection shitshow than it already is and would surely distract from impeachment.

On the other hand, I guess if we’re gonna have a sham trial we might as well have a sham trial that knocks Biden out of the race, so I should be rooting for continued Democrat incompetence.


What am I wrong about regarding this specific issue?

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