ITV: Impeachment Television

@ChrisV posted this in the Trump thread… Thought it was relevant to the Lawbro’s subject.


Wait, that’s a federal judge… :running_man:

Subpoena documents, get stonewalled, impeach potus for obstruction of congress

Senate refuses to subpoena documents, votes to acquit based on lack of evidence


Hakeen Jeffries the kinda cat that don’t blink first.

*Lol at dropping Biggie at the end.


Original judge appointed by… Barack Obama.

Judge who threw up his hands and said, “Welp, they won’t listen to me so I dunno whatcha want me to do!” appointed by… Donald J… just kidding. It was a Bill Clinton appointee, cause that’s just how much WAAF.


See the thing about Moscow Fuckhead is he really hates when somebody uses his tactics against him.




Everyone knows AAAholes are actually CCCholes at best

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this gif is haunting me

I mean, if they’re going to vote to convict, it would be insane for them to not want all the evidence and testimony to be heard. It’s pretty clear now that not a one of these “moderate” jizzmoppers has any plan of voting to convict.


Trump fucking with Ukraine and Christianity’s influence on government are bad, but not sure they’re worse than The Plague, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, Slavery, The Civil War, WWI, Nazism and The Holocaust, Jim Crow, The Korean War, Vietnam, Kosovar Ethnic Cleansing, Sudanese Ethnic Cleansing, and all the rest of society’s historical blights that we’ve…emerged…better from.

I can only imagine how dire your futurism would be if you and everyone you knew were about to be executed for “looking Jewish”.

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Today’s votes were political ploys, the real votes on this are in a few days. Schumer just forced them to vote today because he can, which creates headlines about the GOP voting against witnesses, which hopefully leads to three or four constituents calling their Senators and telling them, “WTF??? We need witnesses!!!”

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Yaasssss, rumor is that there is a deal that they are going to call the Biden’s in exchange for actual witnesses in the administration. Under the bus Joe goes!!!


lol you’re Q level wishcasting rn

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This would be a mistake for the Dems. This is not about right or wrong but creating the appearance of impropriety and the GOP is way better at that game

JT is fired up!

Add the Cold War. The Cold War and the end of World War II are the only analogous existential threats to mankind (maybe the plague or other virus)

It would be a bad move if they run Biden against him in November but they won’t if they do because he will get massacred in the primary. Sounds like a winner, I’ve always said the Ds deserve to lose if they run Biden against him anyway.