ITV: Impeachment Television

I agree. Make them go on record

But discussing strategy like we have a chance at peeling off

Checks notes

20 senators

Come on now.

Yeah I’m not watching. It’s lousy TV and has zero chance of doing anything but making the GOP roll for damage… which I think is a good thing, but not something I feel the need to follow minute by minute.

I’ll just keep up by reading this thread periodically basically. Meanwhile I’m calling machine tools companies trying to figure out how to make more money.

Once this is over you know Trump is going to do whatever he feels like.

Hope Bernie openly courts China’s “help” going forward. Our only choice is to play dirty. Or keep losing.


A second Trump term would be way, way worse than a first. Might as well make him America’s Putin (which of course was his goal in the first place).

Some really good stuff on that list of achomlishments:

Probably could have shuffled words around to mention unemployment a few more times.

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Nope on the soliciting Chinese help. It’s unnecessary and the Chinese are going to help any way they can without being asked.

The Chinese government saying things like ‘we prefer Trump because he’s a businessman who we can do business with’ is just laughably obviously false. They are saying things like that because they know that they are unpopular with US voters and don’t want to help Trump out by making it easy to use them as a foil.

I know a bunch of you think the Chinese care a whole lot about the US mouthing off about their human rights record, but they really truly don’t. They care a lot about a trade war squeezing their economy. Their population doesn’t care all that much about Hong Kong, the Uighurs, or their own rights as long as the economy keeps expanding. The CCP needs the economy to keep expanding to keep a firm grip on power.

Expect to see NK get really really scary around November, and for the Chinese to straight up violate this trade deal wrt buying stuff from swing districts.


I think the take that china likes trump more because he weakens us standing globally and allows china to fill those markets and make new allies is probably correct.

The weaker the us is the better for china

The rare case where reading the comments will make you feel better.

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This is a significant misunderstanding of how China sees the world. China sees itself as the center of the world (the ‘Middle Kingdom’) and doesn’t have much in the way of ambition to expand beyond the already massive country they control. They want global influence mostly in the context of what’s good for their party, and their country. Where they are expanding in a territorial/influence sense it’s usually to secure raw materials to build stuff or markets for the stuff they build.

They don’t care all that much about the power level of the US as long as the US stays out of their business and out of their way. Trump is pretty much their worst case scenario for US behavior, so even if he’s bad for US power the game isn’t being played in a vacuum and he’s also bad for China and China’s goals.

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Seems like a pretty significant misunderstanding of humanity to assume that the very powerful will be content with the power they have.


Come on man. Your posting often has this didactic tone but I’m in an antagonistic mood tonight and am really going to have to pull you up on this one. Do you speak Mandarin? Do you have a degree in Chinese history or politics? Is there any reason why I should believe a word of what you’ve written there?


Would love to see just one elected democrat buck decorum and say exactly what they are thinking. The republican senators are complicit and guilty of perjury by taking an oath to be impartial. Whats gomna happen? Are they going to be stripped of their elected position? Wouldnt that be evidence enough that the president should also be stripped?

I took a couple of classes on the Sociology of China and took a bunch more in international trade? That’s really all I’ve got lol.

I mean look at their actual foreign policy. How does it not match what I posted? The belt and road initiative is mostly about linking them up to the European/African/Asian markets without it being possible for the US to shut them down from the sea. Their African adventures are mostly about securing raw materials and they seem to not care a whole lot about running those countries as long as they get what they want out of them (often guaranteed by putting them in a nasty debt trap but w/e).

And you’re right that I have a tone problem sometimes. I just think you’re really misunderstanding their goals/motivations and I strongly disagree that they see the world in a zero sum way at all.

Then again you’re from Australia and the Chinese definitely have more interest in pulling your country into their sphere of influence than I experience in Texas. What are you seeing that makes you think they have ambitions other than further developing China while keeping as much control over China as possible?


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Boy, that obstruction of Congress charge is going to be tough to prove.

Ted prefers to watch step-tables get banged IIRC.


These fucking reporters in the democrat senate press conference.

“Are you concerned about rep Nadler being partisan yesterday.”

You know what, Gfy. The presidents lawyers didnt offer a single defense of his conduct. Eat my fucking ass that the dem house members were partisan. Fuck off