ITV: Impeachment Television


Lol Schiff with the subtle but 100% deliberate shout out to the Wire “is you taking notes “ scene.

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Here’s the clip:


Nobody else pretty upset they won’t trade? Like sure Biden is really irreverent to the case and it’ll just be a distraction but Biden is mostly clean, like he can’t get in trouble. And if it would get us the witnesses it’s worth it.

The offer was probably in bad faith anyways but saying you won’t trade gives the Republicans a great talking point.

I’m mostly pissed they’re protecting Biden.

And they will continue to do so… :pensive:

It was ten million percent a bad faith offer, if Dems agreed to it Republicans would call their witnesses, do their show trial bullshit with it then find a way to renege on their end.

Best case scenario is Dems get their witnesses but only between 10:00 PM and 10:15 PM or something ridiculous.

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All they can „trade“ is subpoenas. The administration guys won’t show up while claiming executive privilege and all you have achieved is giving Republican Senators the opportunity to rage and provoke a man who is probably not up to answering - and his son.

I see that as an absolute win


why would Republicans even need a trade with the Democrats? Don’t they have the votes to just subpoena the Bidens and not call any Dem witnesses?

I think the answer depends on how willing you are to let Biden get got. There is literally no scenario I can think of where Joe comes out of his testimony looking better, some chance where he ends up a little damaged, and some chance that he completely implodes. And, if he implodes, there’s some risk of blowback on the whole party b/c they were the ones who put him up there by making the deal.


  • Rs are going to whine about process no matter what (what about the whistleblower? What about Shifty Schiff?), so maybe it’s better to hold the line by saying that you won’t horse trade nonrelevant witnesses for relevant ones.

  • We don’t know what Bolton will say. Maybe there have been private, backchannel conversations, but do we even know how much Bolton knows and what he is willing to talk about? Before an explicit trade, I’d want a better sense of Bolton’s potential value.

  • I’d be terrified of a bad cop even worse cop play where Senate R’s agree to a witness trade, subpoenas go out, and then the White House invokes some sort of privilege to block Bolton, and goes to court to stop the testimony. Senate Rs claim they held up their part of the bargain by issuing the subpoena, Bolton says he really wants to testify, but is going to wait for the courts, and November 2020 moves closer…

Bottom line, I don’t like the risk/reward of a trade.

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Honestly I’m fine with Biden getting got even if the dems don’t get shit out of it lol. As long as it doesn’t hurt the case against Trump, which it won’t, I’m happy for Biden to crushed.

Dude fucking sucks and if he is the primary Nominee we’re super completely fucked.


This. To me it’s entirely upside lol. Old man shouldn’t have run.


In my fantasy, the surprising but inevitable fallout of Warren v Bern manifested as a behind-the-scenes chess move to impeach Trump while removing Biden all at the same time. Little do they know both have secretly enacted plans of their own to ensure their rival goes down with Biden–a standoff that takes down all four at once, thus paving the way for Yang to dominate.

(obviously none of that is true)

So they do the trade. Biden refuses to testify. Senate Republicans throw him in jail. Biden wins election from his jail cell.



No fuck them. They just want to make it a spectacle. Biden isn’t on trial. The defense that he was trying to investigate biden is already be proven false

Let them not call material witnesses. That’s on them.

Oh we are obstructing but we will obstruct less of you let us call joe biden and hunter biden and Hillary

Go fucking fuck yourself GOP.


This is the correct strategy.

CSPAN Listener says ~, ‘if you were found in the ceiling of a bank, what would you be arrested for? if Trump would have left the decision to the American voter I would have voted for him.’

People are PISSED.

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wait, this is on fox news? by a guy who works for them? what?

yes it doesn’t matter but what?

“What is required for removal of the president? A demonstration of presidential commission of high crimes and misdemeanors, of which in Trump’s case the evidence is ample and uncontradicted.”

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