ITV: Impeachment Television

At some point today, Mitt Romney fell asleep and had a vision of one possible future:


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Lo fin L hahahahahahahaha

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Whitest names on Earth.

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Would you feel more or less WAAF if these witnesses testified and nothing happened than if they hadnā€™t testified and we at least had an ā€œif onlyā€¦ā€ to think on?

Not saying which is preferred. Obviously they should testify.

Gotta get our daily dose of lie spouting from linsey

Lol, WP says, yup, time to cut off Linsey again.

Two days in a row, theyre just like ā€œfuck it, he isnt saying anythingā€ and then cut away

In order of preference.

  • They show up and tell the truth. At least shows some deference to the concept of congressional oversight and that perjury is bad. Also, get the full story out so voters can decide if the underlying conduct matters or not

  • They show up and lie / overclaim exec priv to not really say much. I still like the idea that they felt the need to show up, there is at least a small possibility of future perjury charges or other consequences

  • They donā€™t show, and face no consequences. Seems like the most waaf scenario because it is the most blatant form of obstruction and stonewalling and that seems to set the worst precedent going forward.


Love how they are using clips of republicans from the Clinton impeachment.

They just played a Lindzey classic for the chamber.


Oh snap, playing OG Lindsey

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Nadler plays another clip from Senator Graham 1/16/1999 saying the sameā€¦



That is some dead on shit right there.

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Except for the 1972 part.


I kind of wish I had the time to watch this whole thing today. The House Managers are laying the case out wonderfully.

I love the first point about knowing that Trump put himself first: ā€œPresident cared only about announcement of investigations.ā€

To me, while itā€™s so simple, thatā€™s really the most obvious red flag.

  • I honestly think showing up and lying is the only option imo and would actually make them seem more plausible, after all Trump fans expect them to lie for the king and would cause a surge in his polls. And after all no-one will do shit about the lies.

  • Showing up and telling the truth is the least likely to happen as it only leads to a Trump conviction and would drag the trial out for months, giving the DemEā€™s all the talking pointā€™s they needed to win 2020 + a possible Senate majority.

  • The last option (Which I think is going to happen) is the worst possible outcome for all and its not quite clear what will ensue out of itā€¦ Violence is guaranteed, deaths imo are guaranteed and a total breakdown of international relations will also come to fruition. It will have lasting effects for years to come and will cause headlines for decades. :pensive:

Now I could be very wrong, but when ALL the senators from the GOP refuse to uphold the Law because its 1 of their own and point blank refuse to hear evidence and witnesses in a Trial bad things are going to happen.

Itā€™s a backlash that no-one can predict Iā€™m afraid, weā€™re in troubled waters and If I was American Iā€™d be out ASAP, after this trial. :pensive: