It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

It’s also going to push asymptomatic cases to be non-cases then. You can’t just handwave away the considerable amount of asymptomatic unvaccinated people and scaremonger about asympomatic vaccinated people.

As always, my actual words are powerless against your imagination. Quote a single credentialed person saying it’s impossible for vaccinated people to spread the disease, on this forum, from the CDC, from a university, somewhere.

Uh, reduced symptomatic cases is most definitely evidence against vaccinated people spreading the disease, because essentially every symptomatic case, vaccinated or unvaccinated, is contagious. Vaccinated people have less of them. A decreased time of being contagious is most definitely evidence against vaccinated people spreading the disease. You know what’s not evidence? Asserting that there are a ton of asymptomatic cases of the vaccinated out there spreading the disease based on nothing but your imagination. But as always, your imagination wins in your head.

The delta variant is more contagious.

Yes, of course. That’s the case for essentially every respiratory virus, and it was shown to be true for covid early on.


Can you point to one? Because I’m guessing you just don’t understand some things.

I guess we could split hairs about what you mean by “appreciable rate” but you sure seemed to be downplaying the risk of transmission by vaccinated folks in April when you said this about Churchill

“He’s still trying to scaremonger that TEH VARIANCE, by virtue of having some CHANGES in their genome compared to the original Wuhan strain, could magically defy everything anyone knows about germ theory and get transmitted by vaccinated people at an appreciable rate.”


Studies show…

Here you go, man. From mass testing data that includes asymptomatic people, of the vaccinated people who tested positive for covid, about 18-20% were asymptomatic. And of those, we expect them to be, on average, much less contagious than the people who are symtomatic, vaccinated, and infected, who are in turn contagious for much less time than people who are unvaccinated, symptomatic, and infected. There just is no evidence for most of this wave being spread by asymptomatic but infected vaccinated people.

The death and tragedy of the current surge is nearly 100% on unvaccinated. You will not find a single person claiming the vaccine will eradicate covid. The fact that you apparently don’t understand the differences between those two things is super frustrating.

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I believe the dispute was over saying whether ivermectin might be helpful, not whether it would kill you.

k victor. see ya

I’ve already quoted the things he said that were out of line. That there were other things he said that were OK doesn’t make the bad things disappear.

The delta variant was more contagious than was expected. When it was measured to have a chicken-pox-esque reproductive number, that was big news.

I would say at this point more vaccinated people are getting tested that have been told they were exposed or if they felt a little bit off. I don’t think you realize unvaccinated people at this point give 0 fucks. They are never getting tested until they end up in the hospital.

Yeah you have to imagine the psychology of someone who looks at 700k dead from COVID and 0 dead from the vaccine and decides against the vaccine. These people give zero fucks. They’re stone cold dipshits that validate George Carlin’s entire career.

Shit’s wild out there.

ETA: These flight attendants are not prepared for these morons. I’ve seen maybe 2 in my last several flights that could act as a bouncer.

those seats look surprisingly comfortable


How does the story not mention this part?

The episode that happened on Monday, September 6, on American Airlines flight 1802 from Los Angeles to SLC was partly captured on video, which showed the man screaming at a woman of Asian ethnicity. He apparently asked her to sit down while she was standing up “to deal with a back issue.” He also said that the woman and the other person with whom she was traveling “didn’t belong here”.

The flight was from LAX to SLC. According to my Googling, this flight is normally on an Airbus A321. In the typical configuration of this plane for American Airlines, the only rows with two seats are in the exit aisles and the first class section.

Growling in first class, come on man. In coach sure, but have some respect to people who work harder than the poor


Well, we know that it is so contagious that pretty much everyone is gonna get it.

It’s anecdotal, but recently my daughter got covid and so did 4 of her friends. None of the ten (vaccinated) parents got covid and all of the unvaccinated siblings (4) did.

This is generally what people mean by “no herd immunity” for covid. It doesn’t mean that every vaccinated person is going to get it unless they all become hermits. It means that enough people will keep getting it such that it cannot be eradicated, even if vaccination offers great protection against any infection at all, and against a symptomatic infection, and against a severe infection, and against death. Some people who get it will be vaccinated, a greater proportion (taking into account the relative numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated) who get it will be unvaccinated. So, if eradication is out of reach, then under what circumstances is the anti-movie crowd going to let up and say that vaccinated people can go see movies without drawing their ire? Seems to me that “when they’re not around unvaccinated or otherwise vulnerable people” is a pretty reasonable standard. So, there’s a decent chance that most everyone will get it a couple-few times in their lifetimes, especially if they don’t keep up with updated vaccinations, but it’s very unlikely to be a severe disease for anyone who does. And so, especially once kids can be vaccinated, I’m not terribly inclined to live my whole life to protect those who willfully avoid effective care, nor will I begrudge those who don’t. I also don’t begrudge people who pose less of a risk to the unvaccinated having a different risk tolerance than I do.

I could have been more precise and added “relative to the unvaccinated” as yes, “appreciable rate” is ambiguous. Everything we’ve seen is that vaccinated people are much less likely to get infected, which lowers their transmission, and when they get infected they’re contagious for less time, which lowers their transmission. We expect less transmission per case, and a lot fewer cases per capita.

Look, I’m happy to talk about things I actually said and clarify when necessary, but it’s really frustrating to argue against things people imagined I said, or that they imagine the reasons I didn’t say something.

So I’m currently playing poker in FL to make a living, fully vaxxed, always masked, just curious, how big of a POS does that make me to the @JohnnyTruant’s of the world?

You have the reference backwards (its a bad one to begin with)

But I also could make money online, certainly not as much, not nearly as much, so at what point do I draw the line between staying home and not contributing to the global pandemic vs going to the casino and possibly contributing to the spread?