It's Worms All the Way Down: The Ivermectin Thread

So my most memorable Worms Armageddon memory is being fucking slayed by Mono for a week. I would go play a turn, lay down on the couch for a bit and play another turn. I got pretty elite at ninja rope.

Beat: Mono didn’t come from kissing a girl, almost certainly from hygiene at boys camp


Thanks for editing me out or whatever happened. If @Ikioi thought I was being an asshole for that comment I hope my next comments clarified that I 100 percent did not think he was trolling and now that quote has been posted at least twice since then despite misunderstanding my point. I’ve never seen ikioi ever lie and/or exaggerate anything so I 100 percent believed him at that point. Just weird trolling after that. If I messed with your head or expectations/willingness to get vaxxed I’m sorry.



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I know you’re exaggerating a bit here but my local hospital network’s most recent report from August 1 to September 7 shows 18 unvaccinated deaths and 6 vaccinated deaths. When you factor in that all the counties around me are at about 35 percent vaccinated, meaning you’d expect the majority of deaths to be among the unvaccinated even if the vaccines didn’t have any effect, it looks a little scary to me. Getting vaccinated is obviously still a no brainer, but just a couple months ago I was in health department facebook comments telling people “Nobody ever said vaccination was a guarantee against infection, but it is pretty much a guarantee against a serious outcome.” A local doctor would reply in those comments sections that if you get vaccinated, you won’t end up on a ventilator and you won’t die. I believe he was telling the truth then. But it seems now the anti-vaxers have a bit of a gotcha. I do wonder if it’s possible some of these people are lying about their vax status (i don’t know if they could even pull that off), but if they’re not then it appears to be worrisome news.

The other day i tried to figure out what the statewide (Illinois) vacccinated death rate is if you only start counting from April or May and the only way i could figure out how to do it was to manually count up the daily death number and measure it against the state’s reported breakthrough death total. I was too lazy to do it. I do see today there have been about 100 vaccinated deaths in about a month to six weeks time.

BTW if any of the smart people here see something obvious I’ve missed then by all means set me straight.

This is from my local hospital group. County is about 60% vaccinated.

Thanks. The thread throttle appears to have disappeared my post after i tried to edit it. To be clear most of the other hospital networks’ reports look better than mine. But a couple of them look worse than I would have expected. If my old post comes back i wanted to edit it again because i misremembered. I looked again and it shows 12 unvaccinated deaths to 6 vaccinated deaths from 8/1 to 9/7.

It’s an extremely small sample. I haven’t seen any larger sample anywhere that indicates you aren’t significantly protected from death and serious illness after vaccination.

I mean, I don’t think it’s true, but let’s just suppose the vaccine is somewhat less effective than has previously been reported at stopping serious illness and death. Being vaccinated would still be way better than not. Under no circumstances of any kind do the vaccine refusers “have a gotcha.”

“We are going to get the virus more often, get sicker more often and die way more often, but you vaccinated people are slightly less safe than you thought (but still way safer than us). Owned!

Antivax dipshits can fuck off, end of story.

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Weird that the studies showing that horse paste may cause problems with testosterone and sperm haven’t gotten any play

The small sample size also means that this data is extremely vulnerable to demographic differences. If the vaxxed deaths are all 80-year-olds, for example. then the results are less about the effectiveness of vaccines and more about the 80-year-old immune response in general.


I really don’t think it’s fair to call anyone here an “anti-masker” and it just increases the animosity ITT.

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Where were you when CN was insinuating or outright calling half a dozen people dumb?

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To be clear guys, I’m not saying the vaccines don’t offer a massive amount of protection. When I say the anti-vaxers have a bit of a gotcha I mean people like me told them it was a virtual lock you won’t die if you’re vaccinated. The local doctor who works with Covid patients effectively DID guarantee it.

Maybe I’ll try to figure out what the ratio is in Illinois as of six weeks ago, during which time 100 vaccinated people died. I know they’re going to be overwhelmingly the elderly and immune compromised too. But that also upsets me a little bit. I look at those numbers and it troubles me because it seems to me some people are just going to be handed over to Covid. I don’t know what to do about it and I’m not judging anyone.

And yes I know my local hospital network is a tiny sample, and it shows worse numbers than the other networks in my region. But the other networks’ numbers are still worse than I would have predicted a couple months ago. And the entire state of Illinois isn’t a tiny sample, but again I don’t think you can just go and find out what the vaxed versus unvaxed ratio is from a useful starting point. You’d have to be keeping track today to figure out exact numbers a month from now, because all the state shows is a cumulative total. When they say it’s 97.5 percent unvaccinated they’re going back to January 1st.

Someone posted a tweet out of Kentucky that quoted someone saying 87 percent of deaths going back to June or somewhere around then are among the unvaccinated. Still massive protection, but I’m sorry it looks to me like it’s no longer true that 99 percent of the deaths are among the unvaccinated. Kentucky’s full vax rate is apparently 49 percent.

I’m mostly scrolling past the angry back and forths ITT; sorry I’m not catching and calling out every single bad post everyone is making ITT. +5 points to you for hypocrisy.

Now can we all take the volume down? I don’t think anyone here is dumb. I don’t think anyone is an anti-masker or an anti-vaxxer. I don’t think ChrisV is a pro-horse-dewormer. We all pretty much agree that masks and vaccines things are working and America is doing a halfassed job implementing them. We disagree on the margins over stuff like whether horse dewormer is a freeroll or something that actively harms people. I think there’s some disagreement over exactly how well the vaccines work and when it makes sense to return to normal after they become widely available.

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If the counties around you are only at 35% vaxxed, I’m guessing that the vaxxed population is going to be heavily skewed towards the elderly and immunocompromised. So while the vaccine makes them much less likely to suffer severe consequences from Covid, their baseline expectation is already much worse than a healthier/younger person.

In other words, that 35% of the population would likely have way more hospitalizations/deaths than the other 65% if neither group was vaxxed.


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The general rates of the vaccinated ending up in hospital or getting COVID is right along the lines of the efficacy rates we knew for the vaccines for a year.

It’s totally expected ~10% of vaxxed people will get it still.

I’m confused by everyone’s shock over this. What am I missing?

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This ^ does not support this:

The study does not say how much spread is due to vaxxed vs unvaxxed, or even how many asymptomatic cases are out there among vaxxed vs unvaxxed. It says that, out of a subset of self-reported mobile phone app data from the UK, among those who self-reported a positive antigen or PCR test, 18.2% of cases in between their 1st & 2nd vaccination (at least 14 days after 1st dose but before 2nd dose) were asymptomatic, and 20.6% of cases at least 7 days after their 2nd dose were asymptomatic. For comparison, they used control groups of unvaxxed from similar time periods. These groups had lower portions of asymptomatic cases, 12.0% and 11.7% respectively. They compared 3683 and 887 vaxxed infected cases vs 3445 and 835 unvaxxed infected cases. This means that a higher proportion of vaxxed vs unvaxxed infections are asymptomatic and more likely to be out and about and thus spreading, vs symptomatic and more likely to be in bed, at home, hospital, less out and about, etc. None of the above supports your assertion quoted above.

I’m not so sure here, I gotta believe that a lot of the people who can’t be assed to get vaxxed will also not bother staying at home when they have a sniffle.

I don’t know if you’re including my posts in this but I am talking only about deaths, to be clear.