Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?


Are you insane? He is literally handing the election to Trump who is now holding his rallies in front of the podium lying his ass off on a daily basis. Heā€™s mismanaged the shit of this crisis and his approval ratings are going up!

I mean I get that ideally youā€™d want to keep such a shit candidate in severe cognitive decline out of public view so he stops embarrassing himself, but you gotta at least try and fight Trump and show youā€™re a leader. More proof eDems have no problem with a Trump 2020 win

Based on what Iā€™ve seen, it seems pretty rational to think that hiding Biden is better than putting him out there even if there are significant negative consequences to doing so.

I mean sure they shouldnā€™t run Biden. But they are.

And sure theyā€™re gonna blame progressive instead of themselves when he loses

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bump so the wormbrains donā€™t babybrain all over the other threads

Gotta say itā€™s pretty funny victoar is banned the day Bernie steps down.

Why is it funny?

We are being denied his Noel Cowardesque string of insults and name calling at everyone regarding Bernie dropping out.

Why would he insult me for Bernie dropping out?

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Not you. Everyone else who ever said anything not entirely positive about Bernie.

If Biden somehow wins, Iā€™m going to be so triggered, so fucking triggered by all the right wingers saying ā€œHow dare we have a president who canā€™t even remember names???ā€

Like Iā€™m going to buy a fucking rocket ship to load it up with lawnmowers, all of the lawnmowers, to launch them into fucking orbit.

OK, Iā€™m just going to admit it. I donā€™t recall the origin of the lawnmowers into orbit meme on here.

Anyways, you should be triggers the conservatives first by saying things about Biden that they would use to praise Trumpā€™s foibles.

Neither do I, I just use it. No clue where itā€™s from.

That requires me to be bragging on Biden, not sure I could do that.

You just have to be willing to hate conservatives and say things you donā€™t believe because you just want to provoke a negative emotional response from them.

Have you ever said something at the poker table that you didnā€™t really believe in order to induce tilt? Same thing.

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If you guys even manage to have an election & Biden wins, all Iā€™ll be doing is Thinking of ways to stop my anxiety from flaring up in the proceedings years.

My No 1 saying Will be ā€œBut he saved you from 4 more years of Trumpā€ over and over again to myself.

This is obviously not normal times Cuserounder, thereā€™s a large group out there wanting blood and a even larger group about to join them (Millions) asking for blood, whether they agree on all the issues or not, itā€™s gonna happen.

Hopefully someone decent can direct them to a union led workforce and not the vigilantes that weā€™ve seen before.

Look after your loved ones from now on and Iā€™ll (pray) hope come November that youā€™re flying lawnmowers into the air and not flairs.


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Has anyone said suck my dick from the back yet


Ok Arby is winning me over.

Yeah Iā€™ll be knocking on doors for Biden if itā€™s safe to do so, Iā€™ll obviously vote for him, itā€™s just going to be a tilting presidency on the heels of the most tilting presidency.