Outing Posters' Previous User Names poll in Post 125

I’m having a problem doing this because his profile is set to private and I can’t easily search for all of his posts.

Agreed. Doxing should be zero tolerance. It can literally be life and death for some people.


No argument, doxing is a sort of capital crime of our virtual lives. Off with their (virtual) heads.

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no srsly i have no idea what’s going on

is everybody itt being purposefully vague?

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well shit

(re: wat can Biden do?)


so it’s my fault


I’m a bit of an old timer when it comes to message boards. This (and 22) is the first I’ve posted on regularly that I know of with a policy of not insta outing gimmicks. Most everywhere else I’ve been the mods just do it as a matter of course, with no fucks given. If you want to play a joke on your forum friends on, for example, a couple of IGN subs I used to post on, you’d have to clear it in advance with the mods or your plans were doomed from conception. So add me to camp why is this even a question? Worst case scenario is it’s a few lines of text in the site’s TOS.

Also given the fact that millions of dollars are spent on VPN services each year, the notion that our IP addresses are somehow inherently “private” also appears to be a novel one unique to this place.

As a group we didn’t automatically ban some of the worst politics posters from 22 when they told us who they were so worrying about whether we catch someone posting via secret squirrel checks seems pointless.

You either believe in 2nd chances or you don’t. If we get to the point where we are banning the amount of posters that were banned on 22 we can worry about the conditions they can come back under. Otherwise this just seems like a pointless exercise.

The software that runs this site has access to PII, there are controls in place to limit access to that information but the people in charge of the site will also have that access. Help them pick good people to run the site and it will take care of itself.

We just found SauraV

This most definitely runs afoul of our good faith rule. The accounts should be outed as being from the same person.


Let’s just do that then before a poll on banning. Seems like relevant information.

In principle, I think adopting a new online persona and ditching an old one, and then posting in a blameless manner going forward should be fine. The difficulty is that sometimes money, wagering, etc. gets involved, or perhaps it was involved in the past, and that old reputation information becomes pretty relevant quickly. Like you say, I also think that such a case, where a bad poster has a change of heart and suddenly becomes a good poster, is exceedingly rare. I would suggest that people who adopt new accounts should do so with the expectation that the moderators and admins will know their account history, and that if they either run afoul of the rules, participate in an activity that has off-forum consequences, or their past account(s) have committed scams that are above and beyond bad posting, they should expect that they will immediately be faced with the choice of outing themselves or eating a permanent ban.



You just got ok-zoned.


And new users.

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You don’t know me

  • Arbytoras’s other account names should be outed
  • Arbytoras’s other account names should NOT be outed

0 voters

Bad poll. Should be:

Out other accounts no matter what
Out other accounts unless he chooses to accept a permanent ban
Do nothing
Something else


I figured we’ve been discussing “something else” for the last day and not much has been suggested.

He’s been tagged multiple times here and chosen not to respond so I figured we could skip giving him options.

I don’t see why he should get to accept a ban and avoid outing. Let’s out first and then decide on a ban.

Feel free to make your own poll and delete mine.

@anon46587892 the mob seems sufficiently riled up. Spill the beans.