Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

That is deeply insulting to Noel Coward.

LOL he’s not going to do anything close to that.

He just defeated the candidate whose views align most with this list.

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Ya that list is pretty lol. It’s extremely left by even non-US standards. Zero chance Biden does most of it.

I’d literally bet my life, my actual life, nobody is cancelling all student loan debt.

Seems a bad idea not to compromise with people who’s vote you desesperately need. Politics is about compromise. It’s time people started realising that.


Dear Joe,

Please lie to us even more.


Can you imagine if Bernie was the last one standing and old people came out with a list of demands about what they wanted? People here would laugh that into the ground.

Also, they don’t desperately need the young vote at all for their goals. The Democratic establishment got exactly what it wanted: Not Bernie. They’re okay with another Trump term.


Especially not Joe Biden. He is a supporter of the financial industry and always has been!

Which is exactly why he IS compromising with Republicans

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It’s a little bizarre for a voting block with historical low turnout to make really high demands.

As they say, policy is written by those who show up.



Is there something Biden can do to win me over? Yes. He can die. That would do it.

Just because he has a D next to his name doesn’t mean he’s LESS of a war-criminal/warmonger than, say, John McCain. Go ask some dead Iraqi children if he’s more electable than Bernie Sanders. The second this monster is dead the world instantly becomes a better place. Fuck everybody.

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dude, biden’s entire campaign has been to tell people who have even minor superficial disagreements with him to (and I quote) “vote for someone else”


I’m just glad some centrist Democratic dipshits stopped being like, “Oh wow, I’m sure all those children in cages will thank you for your protest non-vote!”. Joe Biden does not give a FLYING FUCK about any kids in cages. The first second some handsome general tells him we have to keep the kids in cages to protect the border he will fall to his knees pleading “oh yes sir, America first sir!”

Joe Biden will have zero issues following the directives of the international terrorism organization known as the US Armed Forces.


This gimmick account is funny. Well played.

I get the rage and I’m a massive hypocrite because I was on here ranting about never voting for Biden recently but you just absolutely have to do it if you live in a competitive state.


Stockholm syndrome though

Yep. I’ll probably write in Bernie but would 100% vote Biden if my state had a shot of mattering. As much as a two party system sucks, and it sucks bad. Trump winning would pretty much lock in a one party system.

I don’t think you understand how voting works, or the history of close elections in the US.

if it’s close I’m sure the courts will do the right thing