Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Yeah we’ll probably have Democratic presidents after 8 years of Trump. But if Trump gets to replace RBG they aren’t getting anything important done.

This isn’t nearly as important as getting to throw a meaningless electoral temper tantrum though.

Sure your one vote in a purple state isn’t going to decide it.

But if everyone in a purple state who thought “Eh I would vote blue, but my single vote isn’t going to matter” showed up and votes blue. Democrats would win the Senate and presidency in a land slide.


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That is so witty, if you know, America had an election system that worked completely differently.


This times a million. People who think Amazon is horrible, but buy from Amazon because “what difference does it make if one person stops buying from Amazon?” yet are all “You are the worst person in the world if you don’t vote for Biden” are some confused motherfuckers.


Not voting for Biden is not a vote for Trump. That’s a fact in the current voting system and that bit of satire makes that valid point.

Wrong. Not voting for Biden in a close election is a vote for trump. Not voting for trump is just not being twice as awful of a human. All the people threatening to not vote Biden are happy being awful people, just not doubly awful people.

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No. If you post about this again I’ll have to show you the difference using some numbers.

Please do

Ok, I’ll do it anyway.

Suppose it’s true that not voting for Biden is the same as voting for Trump.


Person A: votes Biden
Person B: does not vote
Person C: does not vote

Is the same as

Person A: votes Biden
Person B: votes Trump
Person C: votes Trump

But in the first case Biden wins and in the second Trump wins. That’s a contradiction, proving the premise was false.


Ok, no numbers explicitly, but it’s math.

If you want to assign a value, it’s 0.5 votes for Biden and 0.5 for Trump.

Or 0.0 for each

Biden is the most electable he doesn’t need the support of the left. He’s gonna win all the never Trump Republicans.


Apples aren’t zebras.

If your point is that the situations are not comparable, you are right. Material participation in something you think is wrong is like a voting system where every vote actually does count.
