Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?


Itā€™s not 2016.

Do you partake in monetary wagers?

Biden could definitely lose this.

Of course he can. He is a terrible politician.

At least as the world burns you will be warmly clothed in your temper tantrum and can proudly proclaim to all those suffering that because your first choice didnā€™t win you just whined a lot online and refused to vote. Iā€™m sure they will thank you for this brave and helpful stance.


PC is one of the many suffering you dolt

Nice, a reporter just asked Trump what authority he has to ā€œopen up the country.ā€

Heā€™s talking in circles, as one might expect.

Could be more suffering long run if Biden wins. He could marginally move us back left. Keep us in our endless wars. Keep us not making necessary drastic changes in our environmental policies. Keep our healthcare system which leaves tens of thousands dead. Lead people to being disillusioned and checking out that no real chnage has taken place until Tom Cotton a smarter and more dangerous version of trump gets the job forcing us more right and dead then we are now.

Where if trump wins in the burn it all down method. He could end SS, medicare and other okish programs. Wreck the environment more. Expand our wars. Kill more with crap healthcare. Until people realize just how bad reps suck and vote in a real progressive swinging the pendulum to where it would never go if they did not see the real downsides of republican policy.

With that said id hold my nose and vote Biden in a swing state. glad i dont have to though.

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Iā€™m old enough to remember when Trump damn near started WWIII with Iran.


Trump has put us in less wars than Biden


Itt the proclaimed leftist calls social security and Medicare okish policies.

There is no world, none, in which we are all better off with trump. None. No running of the simulation with that variable ends up better. It is literally 0%.

Itā€™s so bizarre in the same 24 hour period as Trump holds yet another calamitous press conference where his inaction, ego and poor management is LITERALLY killing people that you could, with any sincerity, try to argue we might be better off with more trump.

Donā€™t vote for Biden. Whatever. Iā€™m done with this discussion. Itā€™s too surreal.


Solid point. You should totally vote for him.

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They leave a lot of people under cared for and dead. They are better then nothing and not as good as something better.

And im pretty sure i never proclaimed myself anything. Ill leave it to you to put me in the box you want to put me in.

You dont and cant know how things would go long run either way. Neither do i. Good can come from bad bad from good. That is how the world works.

Read the whole post. I said if i lived in a swing state i would vote for him. I dont. I live in a state he will absolutely win. So no.

Catastrophic global warming will dwarf any number of deaths we will suffer from CoViD-19. If electing Biden means decisive measures are delayed for another 20 years instead of 4 then we are not better off with President Biden.

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Gotta love the hyper analyzing what individual people with the tiniest impact on the political process twice every two years and ignoring the giant fucking elephant of two party shitsandwich that marches relentlessly towards what it was going to do anyway no matter who you vote for. Pretty much all major change in this country has come after people stopped showing up to work for the man. Thatā€™s what you should do if you want things to change.


Well, Iā€™m voting for him.

Please name the time in history political change was accomplished by not voting.

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