Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Yes. Or his podcasting partner. And you can totally tell who is using that account when.

Do some Bernie bros turn against Bernie if he drops out?

There were people I saw on twitter in 2016 who claimed they were done with him after he conceded and endorsed Clinton in 016. But I honestly don’t think any of them were real people who actually did that…mix of bots and trolls.

you shouldn’t say Bernie Bro any more unless you’re intentionally picking a fight

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Watev is right down there, but turn against him for what? He’s not running for POTUS again.

There are Manichaean Sanders supporters who have expressed negative feelings towards AOC because she said positive things towards Warren. I think some people are just going to take it really hard when he gives up before they do. Some of the snake emoji folks would flip out if Sanders dropped out and endorsed Warren for VP.

can we deal in reality please? if bernie was forced to drop out pre-Warren’s salting of the earth and endorsed a pro M4A warren , i’d have been fine with it. unfortunately that is not the world we live in

the snakes came after warren decided she didn’t need an ounce of bernie’s base to win. a dumb political move that cost her everything.

if bernie endorses biden post convention, it’ll be exactly what i expect from him. he did it for hillary last time. many garbage liberals have been giving him shit for the last 4 years for “dividing the party” and “letting trump win” when in reality he did 40 rallies for her. He’s too good of a person to let internet comments keep him from doing what he believes is the right thing.

Unlike Elizabeth Warren.


Who gives a fuck?


Imagine supporting Warren


I don’t need to imagine it.

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I really don’t care what he does, it’s over, but I get why people would want him to run third party. He literally just has a bunch of bad options now and I don’t think any of them are better than the rest.

We’re all about to learn just how precarious our lives have always been, but I think it’s great that you’re keeping up the fight against the only person who supported a real safety net and made it close to getting a major party nomination.

Biden might literally be dead rn, Bernie isn’t dropping. Even if he has no chance at the nomination this is his I fucking told you so moment, and he’s going to keep hammering his message.

If Biden is dead/does die, or gets replaced at the convention or whatever, I will not vote for whatever stooge is chosen in his place.

You’d sit out Cuomo vs Trump?

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Ugh. Let me live my fantasy. My cuck ass will probably vote for whatever clown they throw up there

Fuck idk

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first thing biden needs to do is… make a public appearance?

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It worked for him so far. Dude basically didn’t run a campaign, is a 14-time presidential primary loser who was always a dull mind and is now cognitively disabled and they were like here you go Joe we can’t have this socialism.

He should ignore the critics and just disappear until the election is over. Hell, maybe he should just hide out even when elected. We can wonder for four years whether he is alive which will be a massive improvement. I like all the other presidents better dead.


Time to rename thread Biden Gaffs Containment Thread

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