Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

How many people do you think died because of the Iraq invasion?

Look at article I cited.

I found the number 480000 killed by violence. Are you seriously predicting there will be more Covid deaths than that in the US?

Isnā€™t that a total lock? That would be 0.145% death.

The number dead from the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and their aftermath is definitely in the millions. Millions of children will have their lives cut short by malnutrition alone. People will be dying in refugee camps for at least another generation.

I didnā€™t say otherwise. Iā€™m simply citing the data from people who looked at it.

Thatā€™s pretty lame. You just posted a link to the stat and then referred back to it and you seem to be considering action for bets based on that number.

You missed my point. I was saying I donā€™t have an opinion.

I cited research on the topic. You may be right itā€™s way higher. It feels like it would be way higher but as I said before Iā€™ll simply follow the data.

I have seen estimates in the millions but they donā€™t seem backed by empirical research.

Itā€™s obviously higher based on what you posted. You posted evidence that many more than 500k people died as a result of the Iraq war.

I donā€™t know who you are arguing with?

I never made a claim it was 500k only. The article cited that as direct violent deaths and it was referenced back to me as a direct question ā€œdo I think more than 480,000 people will die in the USā€ the obvious answer is yes.

We donā€™t have a disagreement here micro.

Ok. Itā€™s my fault for misunderstanding, but when tabbaker says heā€™ll take the under on virus deaths vs deaths caused by the Iraq war and then you say ā€œI donā€™t think that would be a good betā€ and post something saying ~500k people died as a result of the Iraq War (in the same post), it feels to me like youā€™re suggesting the article you posted is related to you thinking itā€™s not a good bet.

I was doing that in a way. Nonetheless, even if we assume millions died in the two wars it is possible similar numbers will die during this crisis.

Iā€™ll address this point as a Warren fan.

My interpretation of Warren is that she has certain areas which she cares the most about. She has a progressive emphasis when it comes to corporations and the financial industry with a passion against certain economic elites bordering on personal hatred.

Foreign policy is not one of these areas and she is likely to defer to the advice of senior military, basically the opposite of Trump. This is not necessarily ideal, but it was something that I consciously accepted. Other than avoiding the egregiously stupid stuff, Iā€™m willing to compromise on foreign policy because it feels like I donā€™t really fit in with anyone. I want to do stuff like assassinate Assad and back an independent Kurdistan.

The reason I supported Warren is because I thought she brought a certain skill set. Out of all the people who were running, she would have been my first choice to be in the White House to deal with something like COVID-19 because I believe she would have been the most effective at using those powers that belong solely to the executive branch in dealing with this crisis.

Bernie might be better at crafting a narrative that extends well beyond Warrenā€™s focus on the economy. Some of the centrists would probably be better at the administrative parts of government if you could point them in the right direction. I supported Warren because I thought that she had the best mix of seeing the big picture and attention to detail and because sheā€™s more pragmatic than ideological and wouldnā€™t be locked into following down a given path, so wherever she might be wrong, she would be more flexible about changing her policies in a reaction to data.

There is no doubt Warren was the best bureaucrat running.

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Biden dying would win me over.


I legit canā€™t tell if you are posting these because you think they are making a good point or to mock how stupid they sound.


You seem to be ahead of me. All I can make of them is, he mad.


TrueAnon there is pisspiggranddad?

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brother iā€™m just spreading the good word about phase two