Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

The point is that if you declare trump to be some different sort of evil (which you did) then you make removing him the overall goal. Since the Republican Party is full of ghouls that did way worse stuff than trump, you’re fighting the wrong fight.

I’ll take the under on US COVID deaths compared to Iraqis.

And even if it goes over at least we deserve it.

Back to the solid rhetoric.

Why is the idea of degrees so difficult to understand. Yes there are lots of ghouls in the Republican Party but if you could find some metric of ghoulishness you could sort them all on a scale. Any such sort would put trump at the top.

I don’t think that would be a good bet.

There no point in engaging with you on politics Clovis, any other topic for sure, but after the last few days of the Biden/Bernie stances we are just never going agree on anything at all really, except that Trump is bad.

We don’t have to agree. Agreeing is boring. I learn way more from those is don’t agree with than those I do. I’m super interested in a well reasoned and referenced counter argument to any claim I make. Nothing is more fun than being shown I was mistaken while getting to learn new information.

If someone can show me actual evidence I am wrong about trump, along some real metric, I’d love to see it. My position remains that Trump is uniquely bad for society. He stands alone.

The only way you’d say this is if you weren’t familiar with us actions in central/South America and the Middle East. You can like read about them if you’re interested though. We could like debate the merits of intentional evil vs the unintentional buffoonery of trump I guess.

They are only as powerful as their enablers, I’d bet a dollor that there was as much talk around evil stuff, maybe more than before Trump and not so many fell in line…

After all he’s a dumbass? Correct…And dumbasses don’t tend to be very imaginative around their evil.

You think not, I disagree… There’s no moving you it seems.

The worst is Mitch McConnell imo.

Ok now we are making headway.

If the metric is their desire to be evil and do awful things to society then I agree trump is low on any scale. He doesn’t give a shit about policy or really anything that doesn’t effect him directly. On that measure I agree, McConnell is likely king.

However, trump is uniquely bad because he doesn’t care about policy so let’s the rest of the power structure run wild which results in the same outcome as if McConnell was president.

Then on top of that you add Trumps complete incompetence, willingness to alienate the world, inability to be a diplomat, general insanity, kleptocracy, and pure narcissism and you get a double whammy.

This is why trump is so bad.

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Trump is doing the exact same things in both the Middle East and Latin America.

You can’t give Trump the entire death toll though. This thing is killing people no matter who’s in charge, just gotta guess as to how much quicker another admin would’ve acted and how many less deaths that would mean.

That’s a fair point.

I guess it’s doubtful we end up with more dead than would have died anyway. Although I’m not sure we aren’t drawing live to that.

Yup definitely drawing live still

It for sure could have been way less. The spread of this could have been slowed way down. It would have required some courage and a large department at the CDC whose job it was to deal with pandemic disease breakouts.

Also there’s a very good chance the Chinese would have been more likely to let us get data and help them them with it on their ground during the Wuhan outbreak if we hadn’t just spent 3 years waging economic warfare on them… and if we still had one of the worlds best contagious disease organizations ready to ship out and help them.

There’s a very good chance that the number of extra deaths in this country because Trump was president when this happened vs literally any other president of the last century is 1M+ and we’re probably looking at a body count of 2M+ unless we run pretty good from here out. That being said the only thing Trump has done reliably his whole career is run like god… so maybe that continues (although this pandemic landing in his lap does have the feel of regressing to the mean to me).

How is that unique to Biden/Warren supporters? Bernie is pro targeted drone strike also.

Seems like people pretending to have difficulty seeing the difference between Biden and Trump suddenly stop applying the same criteria when it comes to Bernie and Biden.

Agree with you here. He essentially inherited a restored Jenga tower. Yeah it’s amazing every time his fat ass accidentally bulldozes a seemingly foundational piece and the tower doesn’t immediately fall, but it doesn’t make the collapse any less inevitable.


Best analogy ever!

So we agree then… :+1::joy:

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Tulsi endorsed him. That’s good enough for me–I’m voting Biden!