I Voted!

Done. I never did get my original mail-in ballot. Had to call for a replacement. Received, filled out and dropped off today.


whew. now i just need to dodge the bullets outside my control.


All finished.

Also, I committed voter fraud and took two stickers.


We got people out here voting twice!!! Look at the stickers!!! Fraud!

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I guarantee if some rwnj that the potus follows tweeted about dems voting twice and used that image as proof that trump would retweet it.

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I would be honored.

I never got a sticker!
Did badger my nephew into voting. I think he voted Dem, but his mother is pure deplorable so youneverknow. NJ, so not a swing vote.


I got one of those too, no clue whatā€™s itā€™s for or what Iā€™m supposed to takeaway from it.

Iā€™ve never voted, largely bc itā€™s such a red state that I felt my vote was meaningless.

I couldnā€™t be a slothful coward again, I had to tally my mark against Trump; this time itā€™s personal.

(sent on the 21st)


Hereā€™s hoping a shocking number of people in Idaho felt the same way and you guys could have been blue all along.


Well, okay then.

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+2 for Biden in Virginia, hand delivered to a dropbox. Had a tough time not writing in Bernie given VA is safely blue but my desire for a landslide beat out my desire for a small protest vote.


For a split second I thought there was a Biden +2 poll in VA and got terrified.


I went on more about my family (specifically my relationship with my mom) than I thought fit the thread.

Keeping it short: Wife, oldest daughter, and myself make it three for the good guys in ID. I take care of everything for my mom so it falls on me to drive her to vote. Iā€™m conflicted bc Iā€™m pretty positive sheā€™s going to vote for Trump again despite my best efforts, Iā€™m hoping against hope sheā€™s going to write in for Reagan or something.

Iā€™m a habitual deleter. Sorry, I only told you to fuck off in the post that wasnā€™t a direct reply to you tho.

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Haha fair enough! Glad to hear three for the good guys. Going to go put my net worth on Idaho on PredictIt, brb.

Weā€™re a lightly populated state, but thereā€™s more than five of us here.

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So you admit you voted twice!


Haha actually I was the one that walked my and my partnerā€™s ballots from the car to the box, so technically I guess Iā€™m a ballot harvester.

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Just confirmed that my mostly blank ballot has been received and accepted. Good to know that all my non-votes will be officially acknowledged.