I Voted!

My ballot was received on October 15th and counted today. Not sure why it took so long. My county is deep blue. Not sure if it was shenanigans or they just wait to count.


Standing in line for the magic moment. Not a single person without a mask on. 2 hour wait probably.


Weā€™ve got a sultry jazz band set up outside. Loving it.




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Thereā€™s a guy writing poems in line. Give me some words to give him UP!!


will mexico pay for it?


Dump Trump is probably easier to work with tho.

Fuck you Donald.


There should not be any lines to vote. This is so crazy. And yeah itā€™s not just Rs that do it. I live in a pretty dense mostly white well off part of LA - never had to wait more than 10 minutes to vote.

That has to make a huge difference in my vote being heard in LA county vs. someone who has a 4 hour wait. Itā€™s the same as Wyoming counting 5x more than CA or whatever.

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Iā€™m heading out to early in person vote on the first day here. We have two early voting places in my 700k person county. One inner city one and then one inā€¦the affluent large white suburb. Well done OKC, well done.


The early voting line of cars to get into the place you can park to go in was miles long. I may end up voting day of. Wow.

Insane. If there is any way for you to vote early though please do. Donā€™t risk not being able to vote on Tuesday.

Iā€™m trying the other site here in a bit. Went to the one in the city proper. Off to the affluent suburb next. We will see if it is any better.

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Oh theyā€™ll probably come to you at your car, offer you a hot towel and a glass of champagne, and massage your shoulders while you fill out your ballot. In and out in under 4 minutes.


Way smaller lines here. Because of course there is.


While the lines were way smaller they were still saying a 4 hour wait which I could not do today. I canā€™t even imagine how long the wait was as the first place I went. I will try again Saturday.

Also I canā€™t imagine dealing with something similar literally every election. I am raging not that I did not get the chance to vote today (because I still will) but because that is the voting reality of damn near every inner city voter in the country. This country sucks ass.

I am also super pissed at all the maskless Boomer scum in line. Fuck them all and I hope they all die of Covid. I did not see a single person without a mask who was not white and at least 55. White 55+ crowd was batting about .450 on masks. Insane.