I Voted!

That’s what she said.


I see tons of signs around memphis but zero for biden or trump, it’s all for local races. It’s really weird. There are constant complaints on the neighborhood facebook group about biden or trump signs being stolen, though.


driving in rural PA (fracking cntry) and southern tier NY, saw a lot more biden signs than usual for democrats. farmers still put up obnoxiously large trump flags, but for some reason it felt like less. of course hard to compare anecdotally to 2016. fewer signs than i expected in general.

saw one vandalized sign, biden had a red circle spray painted over. nothing else though. hoping for silent majority to feel ashamed for what we went through and vote him out.

one guy was wearing a “trmp those bitches!” tshirt at the airport, pretty clearly wanted to show it off. there was some back and forth as people passed him, but no real provocations.

Dropped off my mail-in ballot today here in Florida. Early voting seemed pretty brisk, but that’s partially because there are far fewer voting locations for early voting than for election day. I worry about how this state is going to go though. The stupid factor is pretty damn high.


Been 24 hours since I dropped mine off, still not counted. No idea how often they empty those boxes.

It’s not how often they empty them, it’s where.

Dropped my ballot in the mail. Green Party baby!!!

don’t @ me. I live in GOATafornia, so Biden still gonna get all our electoral votes.

Vote counted per the county supervisor Web site



I voted early this afternoon in FL. It was the first day to vote in the county and there was a decent line, but it took maybe 20 min to get my ballot. Mask compliance was 100% once inside. Social distancing was iffy though.

The lady two spots ahead of me was 83 and voting in her first election according to her family. It’s a bright red county so it may have been for Trump, but who knows.

I did vote for one republican for tax collector over the libertarian with “Taxes are theft” as his campaign slogan. Those were my two options.


Red county here as well, there were a few races here like that and I’ve gotten to where if it’s a race where there are two conservatives going head to head I just leave it blank, fk ‘em.


That what I usually do, but the sign is too obnoxious:





Vote Confirmation



“Taxation is theft” and that’s why I want to be the one collecting it!!!


So I dropped me and moms ballot in a drop box, took 6 days for it to be accepted. Not horrible but not great. If people are voting by mail a few days before the election in swing states it probably won’t get there in time.


Had to get a new ballot because my dog chewed up my original one :joy:

This was the line at the only SD county location open yet at 1 pm

The registrar parking lot is full of these storage pods


i do enjoy going to the polls, but receipt confirmation is good enough for 2020.


So what I didn’t mention is the last two weeks of my gig is to sit at the registrar of voters and watch them count ballots so there are no shenanigans.

I didn’t take a picture, but there is a whole other parking area taken up by those pods. they are ready to store what will probably be around 2 million ballots when it’s all over (3.5M people in SD county, turnout is up).


For mail in ballots, make sure you send them by this Tuesday. For early vote, go on Monday or Tuesday. For day of, well good luck.