I Voted!

Well isn’t that special?

I went to find out if I my absentee ballot was accepted. Found the site, entered my voting information and “Record Not Found”.

A big fuck you to New York State for never sending me an absentee ballot despite my request and invalidating my write-in ballot. I mean I know it’s meaningless but it’s nice to neutralize my mother’s vote with my own.

Thats Young Neil to you

Wife and I just early voted in Texas. Totally uneventful. In and out with no line. Which shouldn’t be a huge shock at 9am on Monday morning over a week after early voting started in an area that the GOP very definitely wasn’t trying to suppress.

I could have gotten the long line photo on day 1, and I’ll probably regret not doing that in the future, but I really really hate lines. More than anything in the world I hate lines. So this, ultimately, was probably always how it was going to go. I was going to spy on the website showing wait times and speed to the polls when they were clear.


Wife and I just voted for Biden and I will be honest, I didn’t feel great about it. I thought it would feel good to vote against Trump but filling in that bubble next to Biden brought back memories of what could have been. It’s like I could have had a steak but I’ll settle for a frozen hamburger so I don’t have to eat shit. Live to fight another day, I guess.


Thank you for doing the right thing, at least. A vote for Biden is a vote for a democracy in which we can elect AOC in the future!


I voted for the legalise Marijuana party on behalf of my 88 year old grandmother in the 2019 Australian senate election.


I’m seeing a lot of Biden signs popping up in rural TN. 2-3 weeks ago, there were maybe one or 2. Now it’s like 50/50 Biden/Trump.


Dropped in my absentee ballot yesterday. Will be checking the status of it. I know its not happening but get fucked Moscow Mitch.


Ohhhh baby let me play this one on Election Night and regret not having Jack Daniels on hand.


Let’s do it:


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focus on having eaten a shit sandwich for previous 4 years, instead of imagining steak.

didn’t hear fanfares or get the feels, but filled out my rigged mail-in ballot anyway.


I dropped my ballot off in the same box I’ve used for years, but noticed the lock on it looked about as tough as one of those cable locks for suitcases. Word is they have undercover cops watching the boxes. Hope so, because that lock 'aint doing squat.

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That’s how I got to SLC.

Still no mail-in ballot. Will be calling the county clerk for a replacement if doesn’t show tomorrow.

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I have a friend in Massachusetts who is also trying to get a replacement because the first one never arrived.

I’m not optimistic about Utah, but I’m sure I can find a song. Beach Boys - Salt Lake City?

Wow I never heard that. They mention the Lagoon water park! That thing’s been there forever.

Utah’s not happening. I’m voting to fu Trump.

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Meh, no big deal if people wear stuff like this. Freedom of expression, right?

Or not…

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Absentee ballot received and accepted.

