I resign

I can assure everyone that other than an occasional one liner of gallows humor, everything I’m posting is genuine. Yuv is on a gaslighting campaign for some reason rather than just enjoying his last day on a Vegas trip.

I had hoped the fact that I shared my PMs publicly would help show that I was being genuine in my posting here.

I dont believe you jpeg etc.

Also daily winner for worst use of gaslight. A long standing tradition of trollers

I’m sorry, don’t know what else I can tell you to show you I’m being honest. I guess the year+ relationship we had where I’ve never been anything but honest with you, to the point that I nominated you to be a mod, means nothing.

I am going to ask one more question then I am done posting in here.

Do you believe anonymizing the accounts was within your mandate as a mod?

While Yuv club isnt the subject of this thread, i dont hate anyone, i hate the way you post in this forum in all atf threads and the way you treat people with opposing views than you.

I dont hate meb, i hate that he abused the forum to delete accounts of people. I hate the charade he’s been putting on and im sad that people are accepting to it.

In what way? Did i ever posted against you in unrelated thread? Seems like a weird hijack of the thread. I even pmed you to clarify a point and you ignored me.

It probably wasn’t the correct thing to do. I truly did it as a reaction to yuv unbanning the accounts and you trying to threaten me. I stated from my first message to you guys that I wanted you to publicly disagree with me, try to overturn the bans, try to demod me. But unilaterally overturning the bans was the one thing I asked you not to do, because it was the one way that this wouldn’t reach a constructive end. I escalated things from there, and that probably wasn’t right.

So? I said i will unban them if it will end up as a pile on one side. You knew it and decided to go on with your plan. It doesnt seem like something a genuine person would do.

Not sure why you adopted this selfish way of looking at things, but the logic is very clear -

You had some mandate to ban people
I had some mandate to unban people
You were informed of my plan and agreed to it
You then did something well beyond the mandate you received.

Show some last ditch of good faith and demod yourself for these actions.

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Genuine people are capable of doing dumb things.

It was never about piling on one side. I don’t care about sides.

I sent this PM to all of the mods a day ahead of issuing the bans and got no response other than one like on the PM. You both knew a day ahead of time I was going to do this.

It was never about piling on one side.

Well, it seems then i dont hold it against you even a fraction as much as you hold it against me.

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You know very well I’m not in the discord anymore.

I had almost been convinced via PM to vote for a demodding, but after reading through the thread I’m back to leaning against it, mainly because of the back and forth over the escalation as well as the accusations against meb of deleting posts that are critical of him but don’t include personal attacks that could be easily substantiated but haven’t been thus far. Those lead me to conclude that meb is currently approaching this in good faith. While I opposed his confirmation, I now have to judge what he’s done to date in line with his mandate and others’ response to his actions.

No, he raises a good point. He ran on taking certain actions, which were taken (in part), and he said if the community wanted to reverse them or demod him he would respect that, and there are process in place to make that happen just like there are processes in place to become a mod.

Instead, other mods reversed his actions using their powers, leaving him a choice: wait for the outcome of the polls and then re-institute his actions, or escalate back in retaliation.

One can disagree with his escalation being the right choice, but he presents an interesting defense of it and his post was not dumb.

52% said yes, but we require 60% for the forum to do it. But we require either 60% or 66.6% for mods to be confirmed, I forget, either way meb got it while promising long bans, which then granted him the power to ban them for 10 years, which the community has a process in place to overturn if it so chooses.

I thought it was blatantly obvious his campaign was not a joke.

The number of people here who have been play-acting like the eDems on forum matters for a couple years running has been very confusing to me.

Are you talking about something jbro posted? Sorry, you’ve lost me.


It seems clear to me based on this that:

  1. Yuv and Clovis were wrong to reverse anything, or do anything other than go through the forum process to try to reverse the bans if they opposed them. This could have been done in 7 days, I believe.

  2. Meb’s response was too much, which he’s admitted, but he also seemed to have the option of nothing or too much. I’m not sure what he should have done, because I don’t think anonymizing was good but I don’t think nothing was good either.

Please, keed had a ban reversed. Please stop with this stuff.

Why are you giving his request to not be reversed so much deference? I asked him to put his list to a vote among the mods and he refused? Why is his request just and mine not?

Yuv was within his rights to reverse the bans so the solution was to work it out among the mods not take never before used powers to make his decision irreversible.

In fact, at one point in pm I had said I might reverse his bans and he simple said we would just go back and fourth. When it came time to go back and fourth he simple removed the ability of mods or the community to second guess his decision.

Am I within my right to ban and anonymize your account right now?

I didn’t reverse anything. I made a poll.

Apparently theres a very strange sense that meb is entitled to some super mod powers. He does not. Any action he does can be undone by another mod.

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