I resign

Who cares if he thinks he is doing the right thing? Why is that relevant at all?

Nobody asked for him to substitute his judgment for the communities.

No, he decided he wants to leave the community and do it in the funniest way to him. Which explains why his posts do not make any sense anymore. Thats how it sounds when you don’t even bother

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Wonder when meb will post the messages of me asking him let the mods vote on his list? Rotfl.

I will never post another mods PMs. Feel free to share.

After mod powers were added

It matter in predicting how he will act.

Another response to clovis

Final post in group PM. Worth noting no one responded disagreeing with this.

I’m a little confused by this take. Banning people is literally what he ran on. Doesn’t he have a mandate?


Thats fine. I have the mandate to unban. He does not have the mandate to anonymize accounts. He should be demodded immediately for abusing the forum.

His whole campaign was very difficult to tell from a joke. He did that on purpose. He refused to say who he was going to ban during the election. He further refused to tell mods until he had the power to do it. He was asked to simply allow the existing mods to vote. That would have taken maybe a few hours. He refused. We are after all the elected representatives of the community.

Never once in his campaign did he say he was banning people no matter what the other mods thought Never once did he say he was going to be the first mod in years to anonymize their accounts so no matter what the community wanted they couldn’t reverse it.

If you think he had a mandate for that then I am not sure what to say to you.

The number of people seemingly perfectly fine with his anti-democratic stance given the supposed political leanings of this forum is very confusing.

I think that this stuff should be logged. Deleting personal attacks is one thing, deleting non-attack criticism is another.

52% of users wanted him perma-banned. It takes 60% for the community to permaban someone via RFC, but because we never set up rules on this, mods can do so at their discretion and can be removed by the 60% threshold. Also it’s neither here nor there but these technically aren’t permabans, even though they could be. That’s trivial in context, though.

I’m currently a no, but I’m like 2-3 hours behind and catching up and may or may not change my vote when I get caught up.

The voters wanted blood. And now they’re getting their little throats cut.

It’s even more extreme than a perma. He anonymized them Mat Sklansky style.

I deleted two personal attacks and both are now logged. The idea that I am deleting criticism is a lie that a few people are trying to spread.


lol you logged them because goofy told you to. You’ve been deleting posts all day that are critical of you.

There are two models of representative democracy. One is the delegate model, which holds that representatives are supposed to try to represent the views of their constituents, including voting for things that they personally disagree with. The other is the trustee model of representation, which holds that representatives have autonomy to do what they think is right, even if it goes against the community.

MEb is working within the latter model, which is wholly within one understanding of how representative democracy functions. It would be inaccurate to say that he is being anti-democratic.


None of what meb is writing is genuine as he’s trolling the forum. Those personal attacks were aimed at him, there are plenty of other mods who can handle it. Same as keed was told to do.

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What posts did I delete that weren’t either the two I mentioned or from posters who registered new accounts and immediately posted attacks on me?

Given those posts were all deleted within seconds, I’m curious how you even know they happened?