I resign

Can’t be worse than your triple draw advice.


You trolled this place by reversing bans that I was voted in as a mod to make and made a mess of this all. You defend people who are here actively trying to wreck this forum over someone trying to do the difficult things to make it better.If you were so certain that they were against the community’s interest why didn’t you take me up on my offer to have them reversed via a vote and I would resign after they were reversed?

Please leave me the hell out of y’all’s stupid drama. Thank you in advance.

You are trying to wreck this forum. I was voted as a mod as well. Your posts are pure gibberish.

This is bullshit. I chose not to ban CN and jbro from my original list. Both because when reviewing their history, I felt like they were making honest efforts to contribute here as members of the forum, and that their last week of posting especially showed they had been on their best behaviors.

You were voted in as a mod with zero discussion other than me nominating you, versus my nomination which had extensive discussion about what I would do if people voted for me. And telling people not to vote for me if they didn’t want me to ban people. Totally the same thing.

It’s not a good analogy because nobody did the simple step of opening a poll and asking if they should be banned. Well actually they did for Churchill and I believe the answer was no.

As I have already stated. My issue isn’t jal being gone. It’s the anti-democratic nature of mebs actions. He keeps trying to pretend he had some huge community mandate yet he never once publicly stated who he was banning. In fact, he actively lied about it to us other mods making it seem like an equal attack on “both sides” (whatever that means) only to end up totally dropping one side and banning just the people he arbitrarily chose to with no community or mod discussion.

This poll is fouled. The “edit” statement incorrectly portrays the facts. It is unfair to the intended victim.

Fuck you, no I didnt

Going to post all of my PMs that I sent to the mod group so everyone can see my lies.

I suspected your intentions were to destroy the forum. I clearly stated to you what i will do in that event. You proved me right immediately. You won, you got some chaos and entertainment from a place you dont care about (as prove by you immediately wanting your account nuked after demod) cause you have a new place to talk.

First message

Demod everyone, don’t make new mods :money_mouth_face:


He had jbro and cn.

Why are you completely missing the point it doesn’t matter who was on his list. Nobody made him a dictator to create secret lists he would edit at will.

All of this was easily solved. He had many many chances to put this to a vote and he refused.

There is only one possible explanation.

Sent this message to Clovis and he never responded

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Imagine being a 40 year old man issuing bans on a small internet forum :VINCE:

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Clarifying some things here

I think MEb actually does care and thinks he is doing the right thing. I suspect his plan is to come back under a different name and pretend he is a new user with a clean slate. He might take some time off, but he would want to be back in time for the 2024 elections.

Message in response to Clovis
