I resign

It has to be open for a week to be legitimate.

There are no rules. Mods can do whatever they want.

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Is there going to be anyone except you left in a week?

We’ll see in a week, but I assume yes.

Punish Meb by refusing to anonymize his account when he is demodded.

In some ways, Meb is acting exactly the way we want Dems to do in abolishing the filibuster, destroying norms while accomplishing things within the framework of what is allowed.


We don’t want to solve mebs anti-democratic tantrum with our own.

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It’s not against the rules if an admin does it.

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I was mostly being snide.

My honest opinion is that meb has expressed a desire to no longer be a member here and he has done things to intentionally make the forum worse so I think he should willingly step down, be guested, and we can all move on.

I dont care about democracy. Im just bummed that the guy is revealed to be an asshole. Saddens me.

Should be an interesting week!

Although maybe we need to throw in $90 to make him go away, as is precedent in these scenarios.

Your analogy only works if the other side is the republicans. The other side is not jal and Churchill. It is the other mods and community members.

He simply didn’t like they didn’t agree.

At the end of the day @Yuv and @clovis8 are the people to blame. I stated clearly during my entire mod campaign that I would be issuing lengthy bans and was approved. I gave both of them advanced warning of those bans and told them I would respect the decision of the forum to reverse them or demod me if they disagreed. They escalated things from there by yuv reversing the bans and Clovis attempting to threaten me. Which led to me deciding to escalate the situation in response by anonymizing the two accounts.

It’s a structural analogy that takes a moral relativistic view of any side.

This is maybe the single dumbest post ever made online. I’m not being hyperbolic.

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Ultimately you only have yourself to blame for this mess. If you had just gotten community approval to reverse the bans or demod me rather than attempting to threaten me, none of this would have happened.

Totally. It’s all my fault. I see it now.

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Sorry officer but my wife was asking for it with her complaining about my drinking!

Rotfl @CaffeineNeeded voted no. Dude he wanted to ban you too. Only reason he didn’t is he thought it would cause more chaos targeting one side only.

Not sure why you are doing this charade, but your argument is very stupid and you know it. Please stop trolling the forum. You made your point that you dont care about this place. Now, in the famous words, please stop.

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