I resign

Yeah, it’s strange. When the forum overwhelmingly voted for a guy who explicitly, repeatedly said “I will (effectively) permaban those I view as problem posters,” I took it as a sign that the forum by and large wanted those posters gone. His likely targets were easily inferred, so I don’t understand why (it seems, I can’t see the poll results) the forum would be upset with him taking effective measures to enact his promise. Were people voting for him with the thought that the other mods would overrule the bans that were his main campaign promise? If so, why vote for him at all?

People might take issue with Meb not naming the posters beforehand, but it makes sense to me. Some posters do not want to be part of the ongoing petty drama, and grudges never die on this board. If you start a public poll to ban a user, or even if you vote in favor of the ban, it could lead to you being hassled by that poster in the future if the vote fails or being viewed as a member of a certain “team” or whatever. You get sucked into the drama. If long bans exist, it’s good to have them delegated to volunteer moderators to take the heat.


Lol he refused to tell the other mods!

The PMs are public for everyone to read itt how I addressed this.

Meb ran on the bans and was confirmed by a 2/3 majority vote. There was a process in place to try to reverse that, but he had a mandate to do it. You didn’t run on “I’ll reverse his bans.”

I say this having voted against meb in his confirmation vote, while you and ironically jalfrezi both voted for him.

He ran on the bans and got a 2/3 majority. I voted against him, but he got it, so he had a mandate to do it.

Meb wanted to work it out through the process and actually encouraged you guys to lead the charge against him through that process. I’m not defending the anonymizing, I’m simply saying it’s not as clear cut as you’re making it and you guys escalated it in defiance of his mandate and in defiance of the existing processes, and backed him into a corner.

I don’t know who did what behind the scenes, I am under the impression you did something escalatory? Tried to ban him or remove him as mod yourself or something? Or threatened that?

Well, technically I guess you could argue that. But you ran on not banning anyone and he ran on bans, which seems like a pretty significant difference.

His PM’s refute this attack, and posts like this one are part of why I decided not to vote to demod him.

None of this matter. I was voted as a mod. As a mod i have a right to unban users who were not permabanned, as done by @tilted before.

Meb doesnt get special treatment

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You don’t know what you are taking about.

I made a poll. I reversed nothing. In fact, I explicitly said if he let the mods vote on his list I would vote no but would happily abide by the vote. He refused.

He refused over and over to give the mods his list. He finally did so after getting pushback from many of us.

Some of you guys seem to really misunderstand what a mandate is


He posted his PM giving you (the mods) the list in this thread, as well as his extensive other PMs discussing the process and explaining the reasoning. He was under no requirement to let you guys vote on it, he openly ran on it and got confirmed.

You and others mischaracterizing some of that in light of the posted PMs was a significant part of why I left my vote ITT as no, fwiw.

Poorly informed voters are a burden of democracy.

Care to wager on that?

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His campaign promise was to ban, which people voted for. People voted for you too, but was it a promise of yours to unban his bans? If not, then your unbans are less justified than his bans In terms of rules, I don’t know them, but I’m sure it’s totally fine for you reverse his decision.

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Given your track record on the drama here, I don’t know that I’d be trying to dunk on anyone based on being poorly informed about the issues on Unstuck.

Lol me reading this. I voted no for meb becoming a mod, but now I’m changing from no vote to keep him. He did pretty much exactly what he was voted for to do and yuv and clovis have thrown a tantrum the entire day.


You can’t be this obtuse. He anonymized the accounts making it impossible for anyone, mod or community, to disagree.

God I wish I wasn’t ethical. I so want to ban and anonymize a few accounts since you are perfectly fine with it as I am a mod with unchecked, unquestionable, and absolute power. 🤷

There are precedent in place for mods unbanning non perma users. Whatever mandate meb has, every mod has. He doesnt get to be the banning mod.

Nuking accounts is miles beyond any behvior of any mod ever. Incredible that theres even a fight back on it.

Keed was up for demodding simply for unhiding a post. How is this a real discussion

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This really has shown me there is no hope here. People are so blinded by their hatred of one side they can’t even acknowledge when someone has done something so obviously wrong. Meb has fucking posted he was wrong but here we are with people still arguing he was right.

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When has a mod ever unbanned an account banned by another mod with weeks of discussion leading up to it? Including that mod publicly basing being made a mod on his ability to do so? And PMing all the other mods saying I’m going to issue these bans because I publicly said I was going to and you should publicly disagree with me and try to overturn this if you disagree with it, the only thing I’m asking is don’t unilaterally overturn it.

This is a gross mischaracterization.

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Great edit.

Have a good night.

Was this the same account whose banning had been voted on, and rejected, just weeks before in a dedicated thread on the subject?