I resign

Maybe we can just anonymize all the accounts.


The not logging it in part was a joke. Text doesn’t always relay tone. That’s why I usually use ITYSL memes.

Legitimately I’d be down for this.


It would be nice to get a genuine answer to why you decided to destroy the forum to the best of your abilities.



Incoming itysl

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Maybe that will finally be the funny one

You said

and posted the timeline of other anonymizations as if they must be related but leave out the unbannings which may have triggered action instead. I’m not even disagreeing with you necessarily just trying to get all the information out there.


This is the correct order of events.

I hope you’re able to let go of whatever grievance led to this episode today and just step down. You’re hurting this place and the people who care about it.

Let’s see, I’ve rid this forum of Victor, Churchill, jalfrezi, Keed, and about 10 troll accounts so far. Pretty successful so far if you ask me.

The type of forum that thinks that is a negative is one I’m ok not participating in going forward.

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Shame, you tricked me

I can’t vote in the poll because of a Discourse bug, but econophile has said he will cast a proxy vote for me. I can’t see the options, but whatever the strongest possible “Meb should remain mod” option is, I vote for that one. He’s doing what he promised repeatedly in the moderator campaign that he overwhelmingly won. If you didn’t want this and voted for him, idk what you expected. Meb, if you’re voted out, thanks for trying.


You even rid the place of me and got me to undo hundreds of hours of work I’d put into this place!

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That part was definitely a negative to me. The rest, not so much.

He anonymized their accounts so they cannot be unbanned. I honestly didnt imagine how disingenuous people can be. The bias you must have to approve this is mind boggling

There is a very good chance this is an organized attempt to destroy the forum by members of the discord. Unsure if meb is doing it by himself or not

You unbanned their accounts. So really you caused it.

More good faith posting.

Dude, you’re in the damn discord.

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