I resign

Meb promised that if he was made a mod his first act would be to ban a small number of users who were hurting this forum on a continual and on-going basis. I think most people had a good idea who he had in mind. Meb was voted in as mod with somewhere around 70% (?) of the vote.

So on his first day as mod he bans two posters who most people undoubtedly thought were eminent candidates for his bans. For this he should be commended for (1) following through on his campaign promise and (2) trying to improve the forum. The fact that other new mods voted in at the same time oppose the bans is largely irrelevant to me.

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As should reversing said bans. But again I guess that has less to do with meb.

Me, in the very first post of the moderator nomination thread.

Meb’s response:
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I then spent several posts campaigning against Meb. I and many people from my “side” voted against him. Meanwhile the “anti-ban” crowd including ironically jbro and jalfrezi voted for him because they were probably hoping he’d nuke their enemies. Now everyone is acting all shocked that he did exactly what he said he was going to do? People are calling him a liar? Come on, he’s the most honest mod we’ve ever had. Anyway ,I’m abstaining from this vote.

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Did he mention that he would nuke their account if other mods overrule him as been done before? An act never done before and absurdly bad precedent?

He did not mention it to the mods either when being explicity told he will get overruled.

Not very honest imo.

Honest Question: Why did you vote for him? You can get into nitty gritty process arguments here all day long but he made it clear as day what his goal was and the broad strokes of what he was going to do. You voted for him. Why? I know why I voted against him, but I was a pretty open book about that.

I explained my thought process with meb already here -

I was surprised by his actions today as well as his unreasonable reasoning for them.

Amusing that you dutifully noted that there’s been no drama for the past couple weeks, and then you took the one action that would ensure there would be a bunch of it. How exactly did you think this was going to play out in your fantasy?

I didn’t anticipate goreo being so upset. Prior to that the response was pretty tame for most of yesterday morning. Then Yuv and Clovis decided to let it rip. So for about 5-6 hours it looked like everything was going as planned.

Me, in the very first post of the moderator nomination thread.

Meb’s response:
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I then spent several posts campaigning against Meb. I and many people from my “side” voted against him. Meanwhile the “anti-ban” crowd including ironically jbro and jalfrezi voted for him because they were probably hoping he’d nuke their enemies.

Now everyone is acting all shocked that he did exactly what he said he was going to do? People are calling him a liar? Come on, he’s the most honest mod we’ve ever had. Anyway ,I’m abstaining from this vote.

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I haven’t been able to figure out how to edit the OP so that your vote appears in the poll. I will consider your vote added to the “do not demod” side.

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This is basically Trump-mimic? Person campaigning makes outrageous promises. Many voters don’t take him serious. He wins, and does those things?

And honestly, it’s kind of funny because I started to type “just ban Meb, problem solved,” but then was like, “if I write that, maybe Meb bans me!” … and then the whole exercise mimics terrible politics even more.

Nah, I wouldn’t ban you for that.

I don’t follow all the drama closely and I don’t know the teams, but from what I can tell meb ran on swinging the ban hammer on a few people and then he swung the ban hammer. Promises made, promises kept!


grunching, aint reading this thread but if the dude doesn’t want to be a mod then what is the question exactly? are we considering forcing him to continue doing it?

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As did the others run on reversing said bans. So yeah basically July 1 was just drama day more than anything else.

The OP takes great liberties to attack me. I was originally going to stay out of this, but ended up posting in here to correct the many lies they were trying to spread.

This is not true.

Feels more like a referendum on MEb’s actions.

Clovis seems to be taking the results a bit hard and may have quit as a mod because the vote is so close.

Ultimately, this is what I wanted. I know you disagree with my methods, and I’m sorry for that because I value your opinion highly.

But I want us to either agree that mods have the power to do this, or create rules that limit those powers.

I still find it amazing that after about 1,000 RFCs and polls and votes there are still no rules for mods. WTF have y’all been voting on, best Doritos flavour?