I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

So watching the men’s gymnastic finals and they have a little box showing the updating scores. Of course they do different stations at different times and sometimes one team has completed more gymnasts than the others.

So basically it’s a useless box. I don’t care if they have to use some modeling factor to show us who is in what place or how the different squads did on the same apparatus vs others.


that’s cool. i play in a very low skill level social recreational co-ed beach volleyball league so we don’t see the talent often. it’s at a bar, so the emphasis is on having some drinks not the play. but occasionally they have a tournament or the one league night that is “competitive” we occasionally see some girls that are cresting 6ft.

i’m 6’5" so it’s always cool and fun to see a girl that can look me eye to eye.



When my daughter competes, some of the meets have scoring you can see online. I’ll sit there and do the calculations: “Ok, she’s leading by .105…she still has floor remaining, the second place girl has beam…floor is easier than beam, so I think we’ve got this.”

There was one like that this past year. My daughter was winning and the only person who had a reasonable shot to catch her still had beam, which of course has a huge risk of ruin at this level (competitive, but no visions of college scholarships or anything). Felt confident, but then the girl absolutely nailed it and got a ridiculous score, so tip of the cap.

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Yeah a running average score would be way more useful than the total score.

If any of you have a local college that has a gymnastics team, go see them. I worked TV for a couple of University of New Hampshire meets (not a national power or anything, but they play some good teams) and it’s awesome to see live even if they’re nowhere near Simone.

You’ll also likely see some gnarly falls.


That’s the part that scares me. I used to work with a former gymnast who quit after she fell and suffered major injuries.

My daughter’s best event has always been bars and she’s never fallen, but I’m always afraid something fucked up will happen.

And don’t get me started with that scene from one of the Final Destination movies.

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I forgot about that scene! Omggggg. IIRCC, the creator Jeffrey Reddick said that’s the one scene in all of the sequels that had him most scared.

It’s so scary because it feels the most realistic. No, a screw isn’t going to be on the beam unnoticed and a bare wire next to a puddle won’t go undetected, but there are things in that scene that you can look at and say, “It’s not impossible.”

Hell, just slipping off the bar could end in a terrible injury. I actually saw a girl in a meet fuck up and land on her back and neck. Fortunately, she was ok (hurt, but nothing bad).

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Right? I felt the same way about the beefy bro at the gym.

One of the reasons I HATED track as a parent. They just had timers connected to video recorders so it would take a long time for anything to get posted. My son won the 100 from the 2nd heat and we didn’t know for hours. Typically the best time comes out of the top heat as everyone runs once and the coaches are supposed to stack them according to expected times.

It may have been the next day now that I think of it. The stopwatch volunteers had him with the best time but those often shift around a bit on the video review which is official.

For some reason the top guys in the meet didn’t run the 100 that day and the boy had the best time overall (maybe the prioritizing doing a relay?). He was fast but not top-top level.

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brits looking better than the americans in womens rugby at half.

anyone wanna take a guess as to why all the archery competitors are young? they all look like they’re in their 20’s, but doesn’t archery feel like a sport that the more experience you have the better?

i would have expected 40’s/50’s, and i can’t think of a reason some old 65-year old who has been uhh, arching for 50+ years wouldn’t be real good.

there’s no tech to overcome, there’s no stamina/endurance issues, seems like they’d all be older.

another age-related question, wtf do they do with all the 15/16/17-year olds in the olympic village? do they have their own section?

just heard one of the swimmers was 17 and it made me wonder, like i wouldn’t be real thrilled with my hs-aged child going to france to bunk with a bunch of horny athletes…

especially considering there is a convicted child rapist around.

although he is apparently being housed separately.


It seems the rest of the world has caught up to the US in swimming - only 2 golds so far and lots of bronze

also, LOL at japan’s tallest women’s hoops player being 6’1”