I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

On one of the goals it looked like the goalie was just hoping the ball didn’t hit her in the face.

I don’t blame her. Have you played handball? That thing is a fucking rock. We used to play it in middle school. It’s like “here’s a vaguely defined game with an extremely painful ball, have at it teens going through puberty, what can possibly go wrong”.

The penalty shot looks especially harsh with them throwing their hardest from like 8 feet away.

We played games similar to handball in gym class using those red rubber balls. Those hurt. Maybe they should give the goalies a mask.

France just styling, some great goals in this 2nd half.

Half of the goals the shooter lands before the ball is out of their hand.

Yah, seems weird. I guess it’s like the 2nd base neighborhood rule on double plays in baseball where they aren’t super strict on it.

Also, France pulling their goal on the last shorthanded sequence seems insanely dumb and they gave up a free goal for it.


Bruce Springsteen’s daughter won a silver medal–in equestrian horse jumping of all things, which really isn’t so odd if you think about it.


Ugh Australian high jump silver medallist is a complete jesus freak. Uncommon to find a white Christian in Australia (at least anecdotally).

The least working class event of them all!


Last event delivering.

Greece-Serbia water polo final currently tied at 10 w/6 minutes to go.

Nooo, the Olympics are over.

And now, my traditional pledge to keep following certain events between Olympics and then inevitably forgetting about everything a couple weeks later.

That being said, rugby 7s is freakin’ epic and the Rugby 7s World Cup is about a year away in September 2022. We definitely need a thread for that, given how pretty much everyone enjoyed that sport.

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High school Floor Hickey was literally a game of whack your buddies’ shins. We stated using newspapers or magazines in our socks as makeshift guards.

Goalie was the worst.

Thanks god USA#1. National shame avoided.

I remember my first high school floor hickey.

No, I don’t, but I can imagine what it would be like!

That’s one typo I gotta leave up for the LOLZ

I’ll be very interested in the coming months if we get an idea of how many extra COVID deaths there were in Japan because of this thing.

Truth be told, I’m kind of shocked how few pozzes we saw. I think I predicted that at least one event would award the gold to the last athlete left that didn’t catch it.

Absolutely not suggesting that it wasn’t a huge negative for the local population, just expected more disruption to the actual competition.

lol. so salty. i root for OAR/ROC but this serves them right.