I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Commentators said clearly not intentional as the Irani guy moved into the kick, but apparently thems the rules.

I think this karate guy just died.

So what’s the rule - you’re not allowed to kick the head?

Something about “direct” contact not allowed. No clue.

How is pickle ball different than paddle tennis?

You’re supposed to be able to kick someone in the head without hurting them.

you are an olympic medalist?


So did they ever show the Gable wrestling comeback in the US? Guessing that was on USA at 2am? Absolutely unconscionable not to add it to their prime time coverage. It’s a fucking 8 minute wrestling match. I want to see the win juxtaposed with the family going nuts. That’s the best part.

I haven’t played paddle tennis yet but have some friends who have tried it out. Looks like fun. There are a few differences. The distilled version is that paddle tennis is more like mini tennis while pickleball is more like playing a ping pong/tennis hybrid while standing on a giant ping pong table. Rubber ball in paddle, plastic in pickle. Different service and scoring rules. And I dont think paddle has a non volley zone so the strategy is different then pickleball.


Only by marriage

Yeah, just did a short Google, the non volley zone is odd, would take some getting used to. I’ll have to give it a try. Used to play paddle tennis a lot growing up. You’re right, it’s basically mini tennis with underhand serves.

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that’s awesome. in what?

Formerly known as Synchronized Swimming


I would love to give this a try.

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man the commentator is harsh

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Yes. You’re supposed to be controlled and not follow through fully on strikes because you could kill someone. You’ll notice they wear pads on their feet. The goal is to score points, hence the nickname “point karate”. You also get the most points for a kick to the head or neck. First person to eight, or most points in a three-minute round wins and they stop the clock after every point scored.

You’re in Japan, right? Pretty sure its gaining popularity quickly throughout asia. I can help you find a place to play if you want.

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So there’s no exception for if your opponent falls into your controlled kick I guess?

Apparently not.