I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

lolFournier, nice 3 attempt to cut it to 1 possession.

you have to be crazy flexible to do rhythmic gymnastics.

lolFrank, nice 3 attempt to cut it to 1 possession.

France not even really hitting shats but USA with a massive choke in progress.

What’s your biggest surprise sport and biggest disappointment of the Olympics?

The 1 sport that wasn’t really on your radar, but has made you a big fan and the 1 sport you thought would be cool, but turned out to be pretty meh.

Surprise: archery

Quick matches, easy to follow, tons of tension

Disappointment: Field hockey

Aesthetically, it’s kinda pleasing for me. The crisp passing, whacking sound of the sticks, some of the dribbling is cool, but, the matches just aren’t fun. It seems way too easy to defend and the few matches I watched were decided by whoever could force a couple short corners and score off those.

Table tennis sucks. I mean, it’s one of my favorite “sports” and I used to play a ton of it, but now it’s unwatchable with annoying idiots screaming after every point.


Not exactly a thing of beauty. Colangelo might be the happiest guy in the building.

Don’t really have a real surprise for in general Olympics. For this specific Olympics surprise was 400m hurdles.

Disappointment: Karate kata. A kata being performed without the long pauses might be fun though.

So Keldon Johnson gold medalist something I never ever saw coming

7 player rugby was cool. Had only really seen full teams which seems a lot more slow paced and boring.

Disappointing - judo and fencing. Need better announcers to really break down what is happening.

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Lots of rain coming down in the bronze medal baseball game. Game not likely to last 9 innings. Could get interesting. Korea down by one and needs to score sooner than later before the game is called.

Wild pitch and the game is tied!

I tried to watch both of those but couldn’t get into them. Field hockey, I couldn’t help but think that the sport would be so much better if they didn’t play with mini sticks.

Table tennis was just boring.

I guess the highlights for me were just conventional Olympic sports such as the swimming and track and fields events.

At least we had @Yuv for judo

Do long time field hockey players often develop bad backs? Seems like it’d be absolutely brutal the way they’re hunched over all the time.


Doesn’t even seem like it would be fun to play a game where you are hunched over most of the time. And then you get rewarded with lower back pain.

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Did NBC just totally ignore the insane wrestling comeback, or did I miss it somehow? They couldn’t sneak a freaking 8-minute match into prime time coverage?

OK I found it. Gonna watch this and pretend it was intro-ed by Mike Tirico.

Biggest surprise: Tunisian swimmer, and the Japanese girl getting Silver in golf.

Biggest disappointment: 4x100 Japanese men dropping the baton (failing to pass it, actually).

Ever played live poker?


One last (maybe?) bitch about NBC coverage. The fuck are they showing a replay of France v USA basketball. Who is looking for a replay at this hour, there is some live gold medal shit you could be showing.

well good night