I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Czech Republic gets another canoeing medal. Bronze this time.

3 of the 9 medals in canoeing

Think we’ll get another in sport climbing

Remember when America would dominate the 400?

Yeah, I don’t get it. That’s like 6.5 minutes per mile. What the fuck.

Luka no!!!

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:canada: Damian Warner in the decathlon:

:white_check_mark: Gold medal
:white_check_mark: Olympic record
:white_check_mark: First career 9,000

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The climbing final is insane, it’s so close all around, Ondra may still win it!

Incredible, Schubert topped out so finished 3rd and Ondra 6th overall. If Schubert had fallen a few moves early, Ondra would have won gold.

Fucking hell I’m so excited, I can’t understate how awesome it is to watch elite lead climbers do their thing.


Insane would have won bronze in the long jump and the hurdles.


Ondra is competing against teenagers basically. Sadly he’s past his prime. He was also a terrible speed climber.

Guy is still GOAT climber overall.

His bouldering effort was a bit underwhelming, but at least he was enjoying himself immensely. You would have thought he had won the speed climb for 3rd, the way he was celebrating his personal best time. He’s a fantastic character and overall GOAT as you say, but if he had won gold it would have not really been deserving, given that he luckboxed his way to a 4th place in speed.

Hey I wonder why fewer people are watching the Olympics?

How would Alex Honhold do at the Olympics?

Guaranteed gold, if they include a free solo bigwall discipline, because everyone would be DNS… or DNF (splat)

Right - but I’m curious if he’d still dominate in this format.

I don’t think so, especially because speed is such a different beast. I understand Ondra actually spent quite a bit of time practicing speed and he was still one of the slowest. I’m sure Honnold would do well in lead, but also competition bouldering is so specialized I would be surprised if he could keep up. Honnold is just really not a competition climber, by choice.

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LOL what is this graph from the Yahoo front page?


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“The graphic must be X pixels by Y pixels.”

“That’s pretty small, but ok…”

“And the font has to be at least Z size, otherwise nobody can read it.”

“But there’s not room…”

“Just fucking do it or I’ll outsource this shit.”