I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

exactly. it’s an amazing performance for a decathlon but it’s not very entertaining to watch someone get the 19th best time in the 100m semi finals.

I don’t really see how the entertainment value of a competition is tied to how world-class they are. Rather, it should be tied to the relative abilities of the competitors.

I mean, you don’t go to a high school football game and say, “this sucks, these guys could never make it in the NFL!”

The decathlon pole vault might end up being a much better (ie more entertaining) contest than the real pole vault. Obviously they’ll end up a foot or two lower but so what?

Have you seen what those child skateboarders can do tho?

Women’s Canoe Sprint is my new favorite Olympic sport

this is amazing it’s 45 seconds of all out violent spread eagle pelvic thrusting.

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i also don’t watch high school games unless i know someone in the highschool or have any specific ties to it. that’s the point.

The decathlon pole vault might end up being a much better (ie more entertaining) contest than the real pole vault. Obviously they’ll end up a foot or two lower but so what?

that’s insane to me. you are arguing that the superbowl and a random high school game are at the same interest level to you?

Hell yes. I had to look up how they keep the boat straight since they paddle only on one side. Lol me, I thought they were steering with their feet or something.

No necessarily the same interest level, but it’s certainly possible for the high school game to end up being more entertaining. If the super bowl is a blowout and the high school game is a nail biter that comes down to the final play, would you really say the pro game was better or more entertaining just because the players are better athletes?

Let’s say i force you to watch a great pole vault competition where the top 3 guys go back and forth and then the 3rd place guy suddenly clears a height the other two can’t match and wins it all.

If you find out afterwards it was part of a decathlon I don’t think that should take anything away from it.

How do you feel about the individual medley?

i disagree, which is why olympics get more viewers than the missouri high school state championship, but even with that, decathlon sucks to watch because that 3rd place clearing the height in the last seconds might not mean squat in the actual competition.

I think the answer is basketball.

Decathlon used to be the marquee event of T&F and probably the whole games. Now I guess it’s the 100m, but maybe not without Usain. Not really seeing much hype about anything.

400 hurdles is where it’s at

the hurdles business is smoking hot right now. A real entrepreneur would start a 200m hurdles race. I would do it myself, but I got the slightly longer field hockey sticks business to take care of

Longer field hockey sticks would instantly make it a watchable sport.

Time zone has to contribute to that

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Remember those Dan and Dave ads?

And then one of the dudes didn’t even qualify.

I remember

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I’d say time zone is a distant third reason for bad rating, with pandemic and awful coverage at 1 and 2 in some order.

Although I guess awful coverage would also apply to Rio, so that’s probably not a contributor to Rio vs Tokyo drop-offs.

Caught the tail end of the marathon swim. As a former triathlete I’ve swum about 3000 meters in one go (decades ago), but 10k in 90-degree open water in under 2 hours is just unfathomable.

Thats impressive enough to me


This canoe final is gonna be an absolute cracker, Wait, these are kayaks