I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

I haven’t watched much of the Olympics, but it seems like there are a lot of athletes winning medals who are in the Olympics for the first time or who had never made a finals before, plus some countries that aren’t the usual ones winning, all of which I think is cool.

The men’s high jump tie is the highlight for me so far.

ouch. fail. the canadian announcer said she came from South Sudan. Fire him for racism.


“On Sunday morning, the women’s triple-jump world record had just been broken, a thrilling men’s high jump had ended in shared gold and the starting gun for the men’s 100m – the biggest race at the Olympics – had just been fired. NBC was showing a replay of the equestrian eventing final.”




Check that mans pee, imo.

But seriously, helluva race.

They should raise the height of hurdles ldo.

Gots to have all day to package 30 minutes of fluff with that 3 minutes of action

Hey, my brother, a white Jew, was one of the two best 110 meter hurdlers in the state in high school, so it’s possible.

NBC is massively promoting Simone Biles return to the competition for tonight.

I mean, I understand complaints about NBC from folks who are in the 99th percentile of Olympics interest. But I assume those folks also understand why NBC primetime shows a 15 minute human interest story followed by a tape delayed track event featuring 2 Americans, right?

NBC’s Olympics coverage has been terrible for ages, it’s totally inexcusable in the streaming age. If there’s a specific sport you want to see, working out when and how to watch is excruciatingly bad.


I think the big events need to be shown live regardless of what time they happen. It should be seen as part of the charm of the Olympics. But these tape delays have been going on for decades. I remember being in Tallahassee when the 1980 USA Hockey team beat the Russians. A local TV anchor did a newsbrief during one of the intermissions of the tape-delayed broadcast and said the US had beaten the Russians. Ha. He caught a lot of shit for that.

It’s kind of understandable because the Olympics so often occur in time zones that are not consistent with live coverage plus good ratings.

Yeah. They can always replay it in prime time, but I think the actual event should be live. The USA-USSR hockey game was weird because that was in the US, but I guess they didn’t let the networks control the start times back then. “Do you believe in miracles, yes!” was on tape-delay. Just seems wrong.

I feel like NBC has at least done a better job this time around of making the events available live somewhere. It takes some work, but you almost have to look at their flagship channel broadcasts as a highlight package rather than a live sporting event.

NBC’s coverage is geared toward casuals who want loads of human interest stories and don’t especially care what sport will be on when they tune in.

And want affirmations of assumed American Greatness. If a US dude is favored to win an event then they will have WAY more hype, human interest stories, etc etc and be damned sure to focus the coverage on that event.

I more or less assume most athletes are on drugs, so wouldn’t be totally surprised. That said, incredibly few Norwegian athletes have ever tested positively.

Cause we’ve bribed the testers with fistfuls of oil moneys ldo

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This is correct. I don’t have cable, so I’m consuming Olympics exclusively through NBC network broadcasts. But there’s more than just primetime, and if you have a DVR, you can just record everything and skip over all the boring stuff and bullshit. I’m getting several hours in the morning, more hours in the afternoon, primetime runs from 5 to 8:30, then some late night stuff. All the coverage is carefully curated, there’s obviously a U.S. bias, and some human-interest fluff, especially during primetime. Primetime obviously also focuses on the flagship sports (swimming, gymnastics, track), but outside of that, there’s been a pretty good variety of coverage.

I like watching some of the more obscure stuff. I’ve enjoyed archery, canoeing, diving, rugby, judo, cycling, etc. “Artistic swimming” is fantastically impressive but I’m not watching more than 10 minutes of it. Ditto water polo (sorry MrWookie!) and horse jumping.

I saw half an hour of canoeing and kayaking last night with exactly zero Americans anywhere near the water. And today I’m looking forward to seeing some climbing as well as the US/Spain basketball game. I couldn’t care less that it’s not live.

Obviously if I cared enough to want to watch all the wrestling events or judo or whatever live and was willing to pay a little for it, there damn well should be an easy way for me to do it. I briefly tried looking at the interface for the Peacock app on my AppleTV and nearly lost my mind.

Thank you! (hot dogs are gross)