I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

I agree, but I was confused about why they reinstated the Botswanan runner to the final but not the American. I’m sure there some nuance to the rules, but it seemed like if anybody “caused” the contact that led to the fall, it was Amos (the Botswanan). :man_shrugging:

I think they said on the replay in Japan that the American in front tripped on his own foot and caused the guy behind to also fall.

I agree with this. A had passed B on the outside and moved in. Several strides later, A’s foot on his backswing clipped B’s shin, causing A’s foot to hit the back of his own calf on the swing forward. Then they both went down in a heap.

(A=American, B= Botswanan)

I’m sure there’s rules about who has the right of way there but it seemed like a fine pass and especially since the contact happened a few strides later, i thought the contact should be the fault of the one in back. :man_shrugging:

Edit: I guess it’s possible that the shin touch is an replay illusion and he did just trip over himself.

the long jump has been very poor results wise, but at least it was a nail biter. The greek just jumped 8.41 on the last jump to tie the Cuban for first but he gets the gold because his 2nd best score was better.

Amazing/brutal finish to the long jump. Greek jumper pulls out a great jump in the final round that ties the Cuban jumper who had been in the lead. In Long Jump it goes to better second best jump, which the Greek jumper had the best of at that point. Cuban jumper had a jump left, but had injured himself on the first jump of finals, so he made an attempt to jump but never even got far into his approach run. True agony of defeat type stuff right there.

it was really poor quality unlike pretty everything we saw yesterday. 18 athletes jumped further than 8.21 (bronze medal) this year alone.

For whatever reason, men’s long jump has been really bad at the last few olympics. The winning jump tonight was actually the best jump in the Olympics since 2004 to tell you how bad it has been.

Israel vs South Korea in baseball now. The winner wins the gold, or is eliminated or is back to the group stage. No one knows.

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Baseball is so huge in SK, will be quite a thing if Israel can beat them.

Whoever is pitching is terrible and Israel lost their “ace” starting pitcher in the opening game, but we did go into extra innings vs korea in the opening game and lost on back-to-back hit by pitches.

Israel has absolutely no competent pitching.

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So watching

Shooting: Men’s 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Final

Maybe it wouldn’t be that much better. But I feel like this would be more interesting with the camera behind the shooter, and a clock. That way I could see how fast they have to shoot, and what they are shooting at. But no camera is in front of shooter, and no idea how well they did until they tell me.

Amazing to watch the evolution of the vault since the 60s.


Canada vs USA women’s soccer semifinal lets go!

“Our goalie has a clear knee injury to her kicking foot, let’s keep her in there and have her kick long.”


This match has been brutal

Half the time when I watch a women’s match like this where neither team can complete a pass and I truly think making the pitch 10-20% smaller would improve the game so much.

Soccer is a broken game

Sinclair took an awful penalty v brazil