I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Wow, France beating Japan 4-1 in the team finals. That is a crazy upset.

What a fucking baby.

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wow Bromell, one of the 100m favorites might not make the semis.

it didn’t even look like he slowed down or anything, he was just (relatively) slow

Faster heat than the first heat. He would have been second in the first heat.

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He made it through. Seems like a lot of guys have the potential to win.

US basketball starts slow. 3 not falling like it was against Iran. Czechs playing well and keeping it close at half.

The Canadian broadcaster in track and field is mind boggling bad.

What a run by Thompson. The 2nd fastest 100m ever. Kinda impressive how unhappy Frazier is with the silver.

These three Jamaican 100m medalists do not seem to like each other at all, wow

BB end of 3 not close now. Too much KD.

Agreed but it seems to me the real problem is swimming itself. I don’t understand why they just don’t get out and run to the end of the pool.

Another silver medal for the Czech Republic. This one in women’s singles tennis.

Just drive, I mean like why run, what is this?


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I was enjoying the archery coverage when this shot popped up. It made me appreciate what’s going on much more as it shows the arc of the arrow in flight. They seem to use this shot sparingly for replays and I think they should use it more since it highlights the action more than just showing the archer’s face during the release.


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I think it would be more fun if that inner circle scored 11 and then a bullseye dot in the middle scored 12.

I’ll cosign this. What the heck is even the point of that faint innermost circle and the dot?

Agreed. Archers have improved enough that there are too many 10s. Need to make it harder to get a perfect score.

Also leave the arrows in and 50 bonus points if you split right through your first shot